Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.

Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Joe Ranft talking about Pixar’s Soul
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Joe Ranft was one of the most prolific storytellers in the Pixar canon.
Working at first for Eric Larsen at Disney, working on Lion King and Beauty and the Beast among others, then moving over to work with Jon Lassiter at Pixar as the head of the story dept - Joe was responsible for the story's and characters in Toy Story, Bugs Life, Cars and others.
Unfortunately a car accident took his life in 1995. He left behind his family, and brother who works in the industry.
Having seen the film "Soul" and realizing how much of a documentary it is - meaning that a number of the story points are also story points in the "Flipside" research I've been doing for over a decade (the Great Beginning, classrooms of newly formed souls, guides and teachers who watch over them, how a person comes from there to hear - how we choose our journeys in advance based on the lessons we need to or want to learn, etc) I thought for our New Year's podcast Joe would be an ideal candidate.
He has messages for his family and friends, including Jon Lassiter, including Pete Docter, co writer and director of Soul. For those who don't know who he is, they should know him - he's one of the "mentors" for 22 in the film "Soul" that's posted on the wall her list of mentors she's "defeated."
The name of the main character appears to be named after Joe - and from their review (the flipside review of the film) they loved it.
They said "It was more accurate than you think" as well as giving it a 98% accuracy for "how to explain it to people on the planet. (however, pointing out that once one is on the flipside, it's about 15% accurate in terms of that more vast experience.) You want to talk to the flipside? Anyone can, and this is just one of the 42 examples from this year. Happy New Year.

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Jennifer and I discuss the process of how mediums and others can connect with their loved ones on the other side with or without help from those on the planet, assisting those on the other side to make the connection.
A Christmas/Holiday themed podcast. For further info; JenniferShaffer.com, RichMartini.com, HackingTheAfterlife.com, MartiniZone.com or MartiniProds@gmail.com

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Elvis, John Lennon and Luana Anders
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
It's our 40th episode!
How about that? Well, this is no different than the others - mind bending and just about as out there as we can get.
Last night I happened to catch Tom Hanks talking about his movie he's doing with Baz Luhrmann in Australia, where he plays Colonel Tom Parker. Went to sleep without a thought about it, and had the impression that Luana told me we'd have a "surprise guest" in today's episode.
To be clear, we've seen Elvis before in our class - and we did invite him into the chair and interviewed him extensively. Who was there to greet him when he crossed over (his mom) and other important things in his life. It's in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" - and we also interview Colonel Parker (not a Colonel, and according to Tom's interview a rather shady character) - but aside from the public perception of who his manager was, both the interview in the book and this interview paint a different portrait.
It's not opinion being expressed here. This is live, off the cuff, improvised, whatever happens happens kind of reporting. I had no idea, zero idea what we'd find in today's episode and even forgot what last week's was until she mentions it.
Elvis said he was "introduced to our class by John Lennon" - which is repeated in the book. It's not like "all the celebrities hang out together" - it's a frequency issue, and those artists or musicians hang out with other folks who are using the same frequency. If one looks at the Backstage Pass books they'll find quite a few musicians there.
I directed Ray Charles in the film "Limit Up" which Luana and I cowrote, so Ray has introduced us to quite a few of his friends because he knew ... well... everyone. And through one we can know the other.
I know this interview might ruffle some feathers - but again, it's live, none of it planned, and Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. She even helped NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton with a case (solved, ask him about it sometime.)
We are demonstrating that anyone can do this - don't need a medium, but it helps. However, as noted, anyone can speak to their loved ones on the flipside, and apparently anyone they'd like to chat with. Stick around to the end, where Elvis sums up his relationship with Tom Parker. Insightful.

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Chuck Yeager, John Lennon, Aretha and Miriam of Magdala
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
It's been a couple of weeks since Jennifer and I did a session.
As noted during this one, I had the impression that Chuck Yeager wanted to speak to us, and heard his name in my kitchen. As I always do, I suggest that person "Make a reservation with Luana, who is the holder of our clipboard."
This morning, I had asked Luana in my mind on the flipside, "So who should we speak with?" and Chuck's name appeared as an answer. I did a little cursory research about him - and the show is verbatim.
At the end of the show, there's a moment when Jennifer's friend texts her, and she asks "I had the feeling you were speaking to Chuck Yeager" but had no clue as to why that would be. But she texted it literally as I was reaching for the off button - I had Jennifer read it live on the podcast.
I refrained from editing the pauses in this episode. I normally trim them - but I want people to realize that I'm not forcing these answers. She didn't know who Chuck Yeager was, and he told her he was the guy who "broke the sound barrier." Later, I ask him how he learned about our class, and claimed it was John Lennon who told him.
That's not my theory or opinion - it's just what was reported. Since we've interviewed John before in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" and I'm friends with one of his sons, I took the opportunity to ask him a couple of questions.
Also a surprise visit by Aretha Franklin who is also in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" (where she asks us to reach out to her niece to find her handwritten will, which we did.) Then there's a conversation I had with a woman named Miriam - I asked about her in the fashion I did because I'm writing a book that includes interviews with the alpha and omega - and for those familiar with "Hacking the Afterlife" book, they won't be surprised by these question and answers. I was.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Empty clipboard, we asked Luana for whomever she wanted to bring forward.
This was a Thanksgiving episode - in advance - without or idea that it might be.
Luana knew both Billys. She met Paxton when he and I rewrote my script "You Can't Hurry Love" together and he supplied the title track from his band Martini Ranch. However, fate intervened, and our budding romance turned into his skyrocketing career. I made a film about three mediums talking to Bill, it's on Gaia, but in this instance he stopped by to talk a bit about the process of greeting others on the flipside.
Billy Meyer was a lifelong friend, he stopped by to talk about someone we both knew, as well as to give his thanks for doing this kind of research Jennifer and I are doing.
Finally Luana Anders had some comments about my cat, and then we talked a bit about the animal realm and the flipside. Enjoy.

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Fred Trump Sr and Jr, Beau Biden
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
It popped into my head last night as I was going to sleep.
However, as noted, this morning I didn't think it was a good idea and abandoned it. But when our session began, my friend on the flipside Luana Anders said "Don't be afraid of inviting the two people that you were planning on inviting."
First I invited the father of Mary Trump, Fred Jr. He had a contentious relationship with his father, but Jennifer did not know who we were speaking to. At one point, I think I referred to him as Robert, Mary's uncle - but this was Fred Jr. in the chair, father of Mary Trump who wrote the book excoriating her uncle.
Because Jennifer had no idea who we were talking to, this is an unadulterated exploration of a father who had dementia, and a son who had a rocky lifetime - but both reconciled on the flipside. Once Jennifer realizes who they are, she gives some insight into their opinion of their son and brother. No other way to put it.
The other person I invited was Beau Biden - at first Jennifer didn't realize who Beau was (I know a few myself) but ultimately gives a poignant reading with him - what it was like to cross over and be with his mother again. He offers insight into his father, and repeats some of the themes that Joe has said in the past - waking up each day as if it's a "new day" and the quote he gave the other night about "keeping the faith" (and adding "spread the faith." Jennifer might be aware of it - but as it happens live on camera, I doubt she's aware that's exactly what Joe said in his acceptance speech.
Everyone works out in the end. We all are just walking each other home.

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Maverick, JFK and Sargent Shriver
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
We didn't have any agenda today, and just thought we'd let the class take over.
John McCain showed up first, had plenty to say among other things; "Sweet revenge." Honest Abe, JFK showed up - and spoke eloquently about binding the nation's wounds and pulling us together. (I kid you not. Neither Jennifer and I had any idea they would say what they say.)
Sargent Shriver stopped by - odd name to pull out of a hat - but he was eloquent as well. John Shaner makes a return visit with Robert Towne's dog Hira... and well, what's the point of saying what happens in this one. It's wild! Enjoy.

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with John Shaner, Jesus and Harry Dean Stanton
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
This is no more unusual or less so of an episode.
Just prior to filming this interview, I got a call from Oscar winning writer Robert Towne to let me know that his old friend, and close friend to Luana Anders, John Shaner had passed at 89. Robert wanted to know from John, if he should reach out to one of John's loved ones. So I told Robert I'd ask - because John was close to Luana and knew that he could "jump the line" if need be.
The second person we interview, colloquially known as "Issa" in Asia and the Middle East, is the subject of a book I'm currently editing, which combines all of the interviews I've done where people claim to see him, hear or talk to him. It's not my opinion, theory or belief they are talking to him - I'm filming them as I ask questions.
The reference in this episode is to an event I attended some years ago, in 2016 after the book was published. I got an email from a friend who said "Jesus showed up in my kitchen the other night to tell you to meet Jamie Butler, the medium." I don't know her - and didn't know she was appearing in my neighborhood a few weeks later.
So I bought a ticket, and asked her during her event if we "could dial up Jesus." For about an hour, the people in the room had an interview, channeled through Jamie's guide "Grace" - who spoke in long, profound paragraphs about his path and journey. He answered questions directly, and as noted in this podcast, had a couple of comments for me.
Finally the late atheist Harry Dean Stanton stopped by to add his two cents. Always great to hear from Harry. Fans of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" know that we interviewed him extensively on the flipside.

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
I begin the segment with me on camera mentioning the two folks I invited to come to the session.
Jennifer knew the face of Tom, one of them, didn't know the second one Randi at all. However, we spoke to Tom before, and this conversation is in honor of his 70th birthday. We talk about his birthday party on the flipside, and talk about music in general and a little bit of his bio.
Then we shift to Regis Philbin, someone I knew, met through Charles Grodin (had dinner with outside of when he first met me and commented on the air about my mixed striped outfit) and he had a couple of things to say to his friend Chuck.
Then I interview "the Amazing Randi" - a terrific magician in his own right, who later became the preeminent debunker of all things paranormal. As was our interview with atheist Harry Dean Stanton (and Carl Sagan) both in the "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books, he had some amusing anecdotes to say, as well as messages to both Penn and Teller.
Finally Paul Newman strolled by - and we got fifteen minutes with the icon who has a message for John Cusack of all people (someone I know). We'll speak in more detail to Paul if he desires it - but it's another mind bending hour of your time.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
In this episode, Luana Anders came through to talk to us about the process of how people on the other side, on the flipside have to adjust their frequency, have to adjust their perspective in order to communicate with us by dreams, sounds, images, smells, etc.
That it's a mutual process because it requires us to "suspend our disbelief" that it's possible, and allow that there is a possibility that there is an afterlife, otherwise there can be no communication.
Unfortunately, the conversation was cut short by a transformer exploding outside my window, so I had to add on a previous goodbye to finish this session. However, there is more to be found in the "workbook" that is in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books one and two. (Not in three).