Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
I had the impression that the great director Federico Fellini stopped by my place a few days ago - so I invited him to come by our class.
I had studied his films in college, and later when living in Rome there were sightings of him all over the city. Later, I met a number of people who worked with him, including the Roman actress Fiametta Baralla, the aunt of a fellow film school student Luca Bentivoglio. I got to know Fiametta well, and her dog Romeo who was famous in her home town of Roma.
As a result, I felt fairly confident that we could chat with Fellini, because Fiametta knew him, worked with him - and I am a fan of his work, his wife's work - Giulietta Masini - and her work with Anthony Quinn. Some years later I worked with one of his sons Francesco. Once Francesco told me that his dad loved our film "Cannes Man." (For the record, Anthony Quinn was Mexican American as he mentions)
So this is a Italian celebrity filled session - Marcello Mastroianni stops by as well... which would be incredible to any fan of Italian cinema, but for many - like Jennifer, they are only vaguely familiar with these icons. The discussion is fun and lively - given on March 11th, the day before my birthday. My birthday gift to myself was to have the amazing Jennifer Shaffer access people that I knew about and wished I might one day meet - and they report things that only those on the flipside could know
For example - I asked Fiametta if she was "met by Romeo" on the flipside - and no one on the planet but me knows that Romeo was a poodle - and the most famous poodle in Trastevere at one point. That fact alone - that she said "Is Romeo a dog?" demonstrates her abilities in this field. Having done this with her for six years, I can't believe how fortunate I am to be able to do so.

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Ian Stevenson
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Another unusual podcast. In this instance, I had a thought to invite Ian Stevenson, the renowned professor and psychiatrist to our podcast. I had a specific reason - because there's a phrase he left behind, that he thought - like Harry Houdini - he could "communicate" to someone on the other side.
In doing these podcasts with Jennifer, on occasion we get to "prove" that the flipside exits. We did so in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" where my old pal Bill Paxton showed up to report things from the flipside that only I could know or that he knew. (And I had two others do the same, and that's in the film "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia).
In this case, I wanted to ask him some questions about his life and journey. He spent three decades flying around the world studying reincarnation while at UVA, and founded The Dept of Perceptual Studies at UVA with a grant from the founder of Xerox.
I had met members of DOPS in 2011 after Flipside came out and I was on my way to speak at an IANDS venue in Virginia Beach. (At the time, I didn't know that Dr. Greyson was a founder of Iands or that DOPS was involved.) But I met with Dr. Greyson, Dr. Tucker, Ed and Emily Kelly PhD at their offices and we discussed why Ian Stevenson felt hypnosis (as reported in "Flipside") wasn't a valid tool of science (due to bias.) However, as I pointed out, that didn't explain why people across the globe were reporting the same hallmarks while under hypnosis - hallmarks contrary to their stated belief systems. (As per the Newton Institute findings, and later, as per the research from clinical psychologist Dr. Helen Wambach who got the same results a decade earlier.)
But this podcast isn't a dialectic on the research - I wanted to know a specific phrase that he left behind. Jennifer didn't know anything about Ian, although she notes at the beginning she was listening to Dr. Greyson's book on his NDE research "After."
We then broke down what Ian was telling us in visual images - I edited out the actual "answer" - (which is very specific) - because I'm going to pass it along to the folks I know who knew him, and see if that is accurate. If it is not accurate, or Jennifer's interpretation isn't accurate, or my interpretation of what she was seeing is wrong - I will report that, and as noted, I have a couple of other mediums who can weigh in. If what he reports is the "secret phrase" is accurate, I will report that in a future podcast.
But in general, what Ian Stevenson has to say in this podcast is in line with everything else we've heard - and is mind bending as well. Enjoy.

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Larry King and Lady Gagas Dogs
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
As promised, we asked Larry King to return this week.
Luana Anders our friend on the flipside, helped facilitate the conversation. We asked him to talk about his life and journey - growing up in Brooklyn and then heading down to Miami.
He talks about his mother and father, and who was there to greet him on the other side. He talked about some of the people that he knew in life, that are different when they get back home. He mentions Bernie Madoff - who stole 2.8 million from him life, but "isn't a thief on the flipside." This is something often reported - that people behave a certain way on the planet, their higher self isn't the same way.
He was sporting his favorite Dodger's cap (Jennifer didn't know he was a Dodgers fan). He said that he met with his children when he crossed over, Any and Chaia. He had messages for Larry Jr as well as his kids Chance and Cannon. He made a number of comic comments about his wives - and Jennifer correctly heard him say he had been married 8 times (to 7 different women.)
In the last portion of the show, we spoke about the recent tragic events where Lady Gaga's dog walker was attacked and two of her dogs were taken. Jennifer saw things a bit differently - she said that she felt the dognapping was financed by someone who "wanted to hurt her." That the people who did the theft changed cars and put the dogs - what seemed to be at sea - as she felt them being on the water. She sensed they were near Santa Barbara in a boat - either named "Princess" or "Prince" or that belonged to someone with that name.
Again, she felt that it was a Russian person who had a bone to pick with Lady Gaga and paid for the dognapping to happen.
Jennifer works with law enforcement on missing person cases. She's been helpful to Bill Bratton former NYPD commissioner as well as other agents in the U.S. She's part of a consortium of mediums who help law enforcement pro bono to help them in their work. Information is always subject to misinterpretation - and other issues. But in the hopes that they can track down whomever took the dogs, she offered to help in this small fashion.

Friday Feb 19, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Luana Anders and Larry King
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Larry stopped by for the last ten minutes.
He suggested we hold off on interviewing him. I asked a couple of questions to see what he'd say. We'll talk to him soon.
Meanwhile we had a general discussion to help people to access their loved ones on the other side.
Larry stopped by for the last ten minutes. He suggested we hold off on interviewing him. I asked a couple of questions to see what he'd say. We'll talk to him soon.
Meanwhile we had a general discussion to help people to access their loved ones on the other side.
At the top of the show, I ask Jennifer about two folks I've not met - Tyler and Alysha. In yet another demonstration of her ability to connect to the flipside, Jennifer mentions a number of things about Alysha, who is no longer on the planet. I had no clue how accurate that was until this morning.
This email came from Tyler:
"Just thought I'd share some of the validations with you.
- Her scent: Jennifer had it immediately correct concerning me retaining her most prominent clothing in vacuum-sealed bags in the effort of scent preservation
- Jewelry/necklace with beads: She has a string lapis lazuli bracelet I got for her I have displayed on her shrine. (Naturally it is implied her ring is there as well!)
- "Scrapbook": This was the one, an emotional whirlwind. I have had the plan(that any attempt at concealing from her in the effort of surprise is futile, haha) of compiling all video footage and special moment photos into a video. It is going to be played with a cover to "The Wonder of You" by Elvis. Thought you'd find that humorous, given the podcast's previous guest list!
It goes without the need for confirmation that I feel things heavily, as Jennifer mentioned. This circumstance has destroyed me, so to speak -- hence the need to listen in my own time. Your graciousness in this exchange is returned with my undying appreciation..."
Glad to be of help Tyler.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Amelia Earhart
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
For people who are aware of how Jennifer and I met, there is an extended three hour interview with Amelia Earhart about her life, her journey in the book "Hacking the Afterlife."
We were in the midst of answering questions from viewers (who ask them via Martinizone.com on YouTube, or email at MartiniProds at gmail) when I asked our friend Luana Anders, moderator of our group, if there was anyone that we needed to speak with.
Amelia showed up to give me some encouragement. Literally to "not give up" on telling her story, which is an amazing story. There's a brief mention of it in this interview, as well as a reference to a website I built after my trip to Saipan (EarhartOnSaipan.com)
As I've said before, and will repeat again, I'm not interested in arguing theory, beliefs or opinion when it comes to research. There are over 200 eyewitnesses that saw her after she "disappeared" - I've interviewed or gathered information on dozens who saw her on Saipan, saw her incarcerated, didn't know who she was at the time, but learned later on.
I have eyewitnesses (15 new ones) from Saipan, as well as a dozen GI's who found her plane, found her briefcase, found her passport on Saipan. These fellows are on camera and got a lifetime of annoying dismissal from friends and family about what they saw - US Marines called "liars" by people who believe they didn't see what they saw or didn't report what they reported.
Again - not rehashing theories. I have always focused on eyewitness reports and following them up to see if they could be corroborated, or that the could be proven to be accurate. Then about ten years ago, I realized I had one medium approach me not knowing anything about my research and told me specific details.
A few years later, I supplied the questions via another medium - as noted in this podcast. And then, I interviewed her for three hours via Jennifer Shaffer - and that transcript is in the book "Hacking the Afterlife." I'm sure people have strong opinions about what happened to her - I'm just stating clearly that none of this is opinion, theory or belief. I'm reporting. Consistent reports that have been corroborated by eyewitnesses.
And when I say that "People think they know her story, but they don't know her story" - I'm not exaggerating. They do not know her story and I hope one day to tell it.

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and her friend Chef Denise
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Jennifer lost a friend a few days ago, and we took the opportunity to chat with her about her journey and path.
We also took some questions from the audience, encouraged to submit them to MartiniProds at gmail - not to take requests for readings, but questions about process that someone on the flipside might be able to answer.
Today's question was "How do emotions such as love or grief affect frequency and communication with loved ones on the other side?"
Thanks for tuning in.

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer interviewing Luana Anders
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
This is a podcast that's more about the process of how we communicate with the flipside.
In it, we ask our moderator on the flipside, the former actress Luana Anders about her journey - her life is detailed in the book "Flipside" but in this we get around to asking her about her council and she talks about three of the 12 individuals in it.
One who represents Peace, one who represents Energy, and a third that represents Compassion. Luana was a lifelong Buddhist, so the idea that her lead council member might resemble a famous Chinese philosopher is par for the course.
If one wants to understand how it is we can do this kind of exploration, recommend reading "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" for more indepth treatment of the topic. Thanks for tuning in.

Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Another wild session with Jennifer.
We began to chat about the inauguration, and David Bowie stopped by to talk about the music and musicians. Jennifer wasn't aware of what Jon Bon Jovi played, just that he performed. She was shown a photograph of someone like Yogananda associated with that song - I asked if we could speak to the fellow who wrote it.
George had a message for his wife Olivia as well as for his pal Russ, who is a friend of mine. We then spoke about the process of how people on the flipside pass along messages to their loved ones, and our moderator Luana Anders stepped in to direct that conversation. She spoke about her relationship with her father - something that is not public knowledge, but I was aware of it.
Finally, we had a chat with a friend who passed a few days ago, former Paramount TV EVP Dick Lindheim. I've known Dick for 20 years, and he had some interesting and profound things to say about his journey into the flipside in this hour long podcast.

Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, a Doctor friend and his friend Jesus
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
One of Jennifer's friends, a Doctor passed away a few days ago, and we took the opportunity to ask him about his experience reaching the flipside.
He said that "Jesus" was one of the people who was there to greet him.
We asked him questions about his life, his passing and the experience on the flipside, but also took the opportunity to interview the fellow who greeted him.

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
This is going to be hard for those who haven't read any of the books ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside" or "Architecture of the Afterlife.")
I can only say that Jennifer and I never discuss who we are going to talk to our about. And in light of the fact that we've spoken to former Presidents before, I figured they might want to chat about the events in the Capitol yesterday.
I wasn't surprised that John McCain (Maverick) stopped by, but that led to a free wheeling all encompassing discussion that will no doubt offend pretty much everyone who is not familiar with this research, or what happens on the flipside.
We speak to and with, in no particular order, John, former Presidents Reagan, Truman stop by to put in their two cents. JFK has something to say as well as Jackie. Malcolm X stopped by as well as Martin Luther King.
I can only suggest considering this a fantasy if one has never listened to this podcast before. I would consider allowing that's its possible that our loved ones don't disappear. But I would recommend reading up on the topic before passing judgment on what they have to say - which is in line with the reports in "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife," "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Architecture of the Afterlife."
Jennifer and I had interviewed a number of these people before - but not Truman or Malcolm X. I apologize in advance for not asking more and deeper questions of them... but this is literally on the fly as they stop by.
The point of our podcast is to demonstrate how easy it is to reach out to our loved ones - and no, neither of us discussed this session prior. It is what it is. I hope their message about coming together and using this opportunity to take out the broom, and to focus on loving our neighbors as ourselves - is taken to heart.
And the two people Luana refer to in her answer to my question - absolutely accurate - and Jennifer has no clue as to whom I'm referring to.
Hope this helps people on the planet when they come across it.