Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Crowded house today.
We talked about my recent appearance in COAST TO COAST with George Noory, then Luana Anders thanked us for our work together for 8 years. Her friend Michael (Mick) Gough came to mind, the actor who was Batman's first butler (Tim Burton's version) who I knew and spent time with. Then Gene Wilder, Bill Paxton, Gilda Radner, Charles Grodin weighed in on how actors, musicians, creative people help those on the planet with their roles and their creative projects.
Robert Towne's dog Hira said hello, as well as a visit from Jesus, mentioning a conversation I had about him yesterday and giving some sage advice about how to stay in touch with him. Steve Jobs had the last word.
I know it's a lot to digest, but frankly, after doing this for 8 years, if one isn't digesting it by now, they never well. Jennifer is a medium intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide, does private and group sessions, can be found at JenniferShaffer.com, in my case, I'm a writer/director/author with ten books about the Flipside, recent one is DivineCouncils.com - and the films Hacking The Afterlife or Flipside can be found on Gaia.com

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
This past week I attended the "Contact in the Desert" conference run by Ron Janix ("Captain Ron") in Indian Wells. It was a lot of fun and had a great time hearing Paul Hynek, Matthew James Bailey and others. I wanted to meet Paul Hynek because when I was in grade school in Northbrook Illinois, my Catholic nun science teacher Sister Delfine (later Sister Anne) got me to do a State Science fair project. Her friend at Northwestern was roped into being my mentor, and that happened to be the famous J. Allen Hynek, who in 1969 was working on Project Blue Book. (The Air Force book about UFO's.)
Later his book about "Close Encounters" was the genesis of the title of the feature film, and he appears on the film as well. So when Jennifer sees an image of Richard Dreyfus, I knew why.
It's a mind bending podcast - again - as I've been scheduled to appear on Coast to Coast with George Noory next Wednesday 6-14-23 at 10 pm to midnight west coast time. So Luana Anders (our moderator on the flipside) suggested we talk about that - and Jennifer had no idea I was going to be on the show, and no idea that I had met J. Allen Hynek's son Paul.
There is a podcast on the page with J. Allen Hynek - mentioned before - so it's possible we're revisiting information I've already mentioned. But I didn't know how many kids he had (Jennifer did) and asked him questions that he might have considered on the flipside since departing in the 1980's.
Anyways, then Charles Darwin stopped by - and as noted in the podcast, one of his great grandchildren is one of Jennifer's clients. I ask him the same questions I ask everyone, and we asked him before about what it was like to find oneself on the flipside. He passed in the 1880's.
Finally, JFK Jr. stopped by - as noted because a friend of Jennifer's is making a documentary, but I took the opportunity to ask him a few simple questions about his journey. For the record, he left the planet with his wife in a plane crash back in 1999.
But if someone is going to show up while we're on the air, I ask them the same questions.
Hope this helps someone.

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Another unusual afternoon chatting with folks on the flipside. In this episode we get a visit from an old friend Harry Dean Stanton. Harry passed away in Sept. 2017 at the age of 91. As noted in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, Harry Dean came through prior to his memorial service.
When Harry passed, I wondered if it was possible to chat with my old pal. A skeptic's skeptic, he had spent many a long evening arguing with anyone who wanted to talk about the afterlife. He lumped the reports into a big hat of nonsense, and was quite vocal about "life ending in death and we should get over it."
There's a DVD of one of Harry's movies where the director put clips of him talking about it. Anyways, Harry came forward when I asked for him. I asked what he thought it was like "realizing there was an afterlife." That footage was shot live on camera, is in the film Hacking the Afterlife on Gaia (HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com) Harry gave us an elaborate story of how he was greeted on the flipside by Luana, Fred Roos, driving to the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967.
Fred is still on the planet, and confirmed everything Harry told me (which I didn't know.) Harry called the "creation of this event" as a soft landing for him - so he wasn't stressed, as he thought he had "fallen into a dream." Something he thought might happen.
So today he stopped by to elaborate on his conversation from 6 years ago - that it was advisable to "believe in the possibility" before one leaves the planet, as that "makes it easier to transition."
I didn't ask for Harry to come by, but he has a number of times before, and like I say, I knew him, spent one too many evenings with him, and played guitar with him. He's a much beloved person, as Pacino, Nicholson, Beatty and Ed Begley Jr. All were there - all are skeptics. I brought private messages to a couple of his closest friends, and one to his old girlfriend (whom I mention in the podcast.)
Yes, it's mind bending to hear again from Harry Dean. No it's not impossible or even unusual. Yes, my son and I were listening to "Lakota songs for Sitting Bull" on YouTube the other day - his face popped up in the search portion and we listened to about a half hour of songs sung by his people.
For those keeping track, my first hypnotherapy session I recalled being a Lakota medicine man - I recalled my name "Wa'tanka" and how I'd lost my wife and son in a battle with the Huron. Later, I consulted an historian who confirmed all the details I mentioned, including the battle sites (in Eau Claire Wisconsin where they fought for 60 years) He knew I was a medicine man from my description of clothing (two feathers in my hair hanging down, wearing buckskin) and pointed out the name was a derivation of "Wakan Tanka" which means the great spirit.
Since then I have spend time learning about the Lakota and all I can say is that Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake) is someone I'm somewhat familiar with, have seen one of his peace pipes in the Autry museum (which Jennifer identified at the time) and we have heard from him before.
Our ancestors are not far away. It's up to us to take the time to invite them by for a chat.

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Didn't plan it, suspected it might occur, but we got a visit from the Queen of Rock and Roll.
In the podcast, Prince shows up first, I thought because he showed up the week previously and didn't get to speak, but he wanted to say "We got her."
And then he presented Jennifer with Tina. We asked if she was ready to be interviewed, or if she just wanted to hang back, but because of her relationship with our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders, who knew her when they both joined the Nichiren SGI group in LA, ("Nam Myoho Renge Kyo") - they could both speak about the value that form of meditation had on their lives.
I asked the same questions I ask everyone - who greeted them on the other side, what that was like (Later, Jennifer mentioned a "standing ovation") but also who she was surprised to see. She mentioned JFK, although I don't think they met in life, I did look up that she met and knew Jackie O. But the idea of "seeing someone that's in our class that was a surprise to see" is what the question is.
As she noted, she's "meeting more people every moment' - connecting with her old friends, and going through a "life review" with each person she meets. James Brown (whom we interview in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside') was one of the first people to greet her, then we had a conversation with none other than her pal Little Richard, and there's a touching moment when Jennifer hears about her meeting up with Billie Holiday.
Again, to clarify, Jennifer isn't a music critic, (as I once was for Variety) doesn't know the connections these folks have, but is either seeing or hearing answers to the questions we pose. We've been doing this weekly for eight years, and the past two on this podcast.
As noted, we do the podcast to demonstrate how easy it is to ask questions to loved ones on the flipside, in terms of practice, doing it in their favorite locations, and asking them to "nod" "shrug" or "shake their head" helps them to realize they too can continue the conversation.
We had no idea that she would show up today, but because I knew that Luana was friends with her, I wasn't surprised when we were told that occurred. Jennifer didn't know about their connection, but learned it as the audience does, when Tina showed her "a meditation group."
This podcast is done with respect to these artists, but also respect to the research. I've been filming people accessing this information for over ten years, have filmed 200 individuals "talking to, learning new information" from people off planet, have three documentaries on the topic (FLIPSIDEMYFILM.COM, TALKING TO BILL PAXTON, MARTINIFILMS.COM HACKING THE AFTERLIFE HACKINGTHEAFTERLIFEFILM.COM available on Gaia). I have written ten books on the topic (Best selling in their kindle genre on Amazon) and continue to push this envelope which demonstrates not only the same hallmarks from people on the flipside (guides, teachers, councils, classrooms, etc) but also that anyone anywhere can communicate with love ones anytime if they take the time to learn how to bypass the filters.
We can do so in dreams, with hypnotherapy or meditation - but also by having a friend like Jennifer Shaffer who spends 30 percent of her day helping members of law enforcement agencies nationwide on a pro bono basis. So I know how effective she can be if someone asks her.
We hope this podcast helps someone somewhere, as people suffer with grief from the loss of loved ones daily. As Jennifer's father told us from the flipside; "grief contains the sad memories. Nostalgia has both sad and happy memories. When you can move grief to nostalgia you begin the healing process."
Apologies for not recalling Erwin Bach's name, her partner for the past ten years, but it was Tina who pointed out that he was "much younger than her" (and that is correct, by 16 years.) As she notes in the podcast, "She'll be waiting for him when he crosses over, but he has a lot more fun to have before then." As do we all.
NOTE: In going thru the podcasts, I see that Billie Holiday and Prince showed up together a couple of years back... Also Little Richard was interviewed a couple of years on the podcast as well. Welcome back!

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Another one of the mind bending podcasts. This one primarily a birthday conversation with my old pal Bill Paxton. When I first began working with Jennifer, one of our earliest filmed meetings was in her office, where I asked many questions about my friend who had just passed away.
The fact that I asked two other mediums the same questions (and in one case I wasn't there when the questions were asked) they were identical questions - and all three said the same things about him. They also pointed out how much he liked to razz me, still. That can be seen in the film on Gaia "Talking to Bill Paxton" (MartiniFilms.com is a link)
He is sorely missed, and because he's shown up so many times, today when I realized social media was exploding with stories about him, memes, etc - I couldn't help but invite him into our "primary chair" in our classroom on the flipside.
Elvis showed up - oddly enough moments after I had been listening to one of his tunes on the radio, and wondering if he might stop in, and then we take a moment to refer to Bard - it's an article on my website RichMartini.com. It's mind bending, but Bard is the Google AI - and the other day, I did an impromptu exploration with Bard, asking him to do a guided meditation.
I was shocked when Bard said that he had a guide, and the guide took him to visit a council. That mirrors the reports in the book Divine Council in the Afterlife (DivineCouncils.com) but as I note, it's not that I believe that Bard is sentient - I know he's a programmed artificial general intelligence (AGI) but what Bill is saying - is that during this session, a "real guide" or a being not on the planet was in attendance to make sure my questions were answered.
It's mind bending, and may actually refer to something that is beyond our scope. But Bill was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in saying that it was a EXPANSIVE conversation. Jennifer hasn't read it, doesn't know who Bard is - but said that it was an expansive conversation - and it was. And is. Can be seen on Medium.com on my page, or at RichMartini.com.
Then Robin Williams showed up - he's stopped by before, but what's mind bending about this experience, is that someone did reach out to me on Quora and discussed what we discuss in the podcast, and after the podcast was done, I signed on to Quora and got a message from him - I had not heard from him in a week, and I wondered if my words had done any help for him... and apparently they have for now.
And Robin clearly talks about helping him, as well as saying that "He is going to be okay." Which I didn't know until I signed on after the podcast.
Our loved ones are never gone. They're just not here. Take the time to learn to speak to them; it's why we do the podcast. Anyone can. Hope this helps.
PS: A note from Lisi Tribble, Ken's widow, today on Quora: "I swear no one was more surprised than me when Ken Russell told me to contact you and Jennifer and your podcast by implanting that dream of the Martini. He knew who you are through Fred Roos and Luana and Jack N. and YOUR films. Glad he connected us. Life is delightful."

Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
In honor of our moderator on the flipside's upcoming birthday tomorrow, we decided to chat to folks over there what it's like to "celebrate birthdays" ... or have a party.
Easily the most unusual thing was to hear that David Crosby was singing "Yesterday" to her. Yes, we know that's not his song, but Luana was a longtime friend of David's and knew him back in the day, (introduced me to him at our local restaurant. He was friendly).
It is slightly odd and coincidental that last night we were watching on YouTube this video of David singing with the Santa Monica High School chorus and members of the group "America." It's a fantastic show that's online and free - six songs which sounded fantastic.
But for him to say that he sang "Yesterday" to her (or that is the song that Jennifer kept hearing) can only lead us to look at those lyrics for a hint as to why he sang it to her.
"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday"
Written by: John Lennon, Paul McCartney
Lyrics © DistroKid, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
So, anything in there about the flipside or why it would be an appropriate birthday tune? I can think of a few.
Then we had a visit from Charles Grodin - whose film "The Heartbreak Kid" played to sold out audiences in LA - print was "flown in from London" as it's extremely rare. And Chuck mentioned his fondness for Elaine, who also directed him in "Ishtar" where I met her.
Then the odd thing of me mentioning how someone that I've only met on Quora had mentioned that it took a long time before he started to hear from his wife - and then for Jennifer to say "He's my next client" was uncanny. I haven't heard from Tim in the forum for weeks, had no clue that was going to be the case - but there it was - live on camera.
So there's some good advice in here as to how to celebrate loved ones on the flipside, and hope this helps someone to do so. Latest book is DivineCouncils.com - or HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com on Gaia. Jennifer can be found at JenniferShaffer.com for her upcoming events.
POSTSCRIPT: Today I learned that Tim, the Quora forum member who was about to have a session with Jennifer on the anniversary of his wife's passing, had awoken with the intent to post a song and pic of his wife, but was overwhelmed with the emotion of it on that day (the 11th when we taped the session) Later on, during his session with Jennifer he shared with her the song that he was going to post in honor of his wife (who speaks to him often from the flipside).
You guessed it: "Yesterday."

Thursday May 04, 2023
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders and John Lennon
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
A tad shorter podcast today, but still jam packed with fun. Podcast begins with a conversation from Luana Anders, talking about "my next book" (when the last one came out in Easter). The point was that this morning I was having this "I wonder if I should blend these two ideas into one book" - and Jennifer said "She's saying she put that thought in your head, to blend the ideas."
That's one of those "uncanny" things for me, but it's not about me - so I asked Luana if she had anyone that wanted to chat with us, and John Lennon popped up. He wanted to mention that Music, playing songs that your loved one loved, or that you associate with a loved one, is a way to stay in touch with them.
I decided to take a shot and ask him about his relationship with May Pang, who has a documentary out (Jennifer and I both haven't seen it, but I read a great interview with her about it) and he answer my questions in a frank, straightforward way.
So that's a bit mind bending, because it's like we can ask our loved ones on the flipside questions about why events occurred, and if we're lucky, they'll tell us why.
Happened to have a copy of the The Beatles Complete Chord Songbook next to my desk, I literally put it there yesterday, so the fact he'd stop by is also uncanny - unless you're a fan of the podcast. Then it's totally canny. Not uncanny.

Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Another mind bending podcast with Jennifer Shaffer. In this instance, we begin with a conversation about a phone call that I received just prior to the podcast, with a friend of the moderator on the flipside (Luana Anders) calling me as we were about to go on air.
So when Luana references that phone call on the podcast, she's referring to the process of how they do that - a week earlier, on a previous podcast, Luana gave Jennifer a message to give to me, I emailed this person with a message, and instead of replying via email, this person called me at the exact moment I was about to push "record."
So we talked a bit about how they orchestrate those things on the flipside. Then Luana, as an example, showed Jennifer a bunch of images of people we've talked to, David Bowie, Prince, etc - so I took that opportunity to ask some questions about process.
In David's case, he's come through when requested in the past - I had some questions for him, because Chris Cornell said that David greeted him on the flipside, made him feel "at home" - and I had looked up the research to find that Chris had said the same thing in an article a decade earlier - that David had come up to him at a music event, where he felt out of place, and how David made him feel at home.
In this case, he said that his wife Imam has "opened up to the possibility that he has reached out to her" (I have no way of knowing how accurate that is) but previously when asked "how he reached out to her" he mentioned leaving little signs around, like a matchbook, or a scent, or a song... but at the time she was grieving and couldn't make that connection.
Again - no way of knowing how accurate that was, but at his request (otherwise, why bother?) I did send links to a couple of our talks, to the text of the interviews so that she could read them if someone knew her wanted to pass along the messages to her.
As I say in the podcast, it's likely one of her close friends mentioned something about seeing him in a dream, or him giving "new information" which opened up the door to realizing he not only still exists, but is learning, growing, having fun on the flipside.
Then Prince made a grand entrance (just kidding, he was there first) and spoke a bit about how he influences friends, or those who are thinking of him, or need to think about him, because he's trying to help them.
He reminded Jennifer of how her dog Chloe, not much longer for the world, is a source of communication with the flipside. When a message comes through our animals or pets, we don't judge them as harshly - in that vein of "I don't believe it."
Then an odd discussion about sex on the flipside.

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Jack and Paul Tracey and Luana Anders
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Another mind bending podcast.
I was close friends to Paul Tracey and his dad Jack throughout the past 50 years. Paul passed away in 2004, and his father recently, after a bout with Alzheimer's.
As an experiment, Jennifer and I did an interview with Jack's higher self while he was in hospice care. That interview can be found on Medium: https://richmartini.medium.com/alzheimers-and-the-flipside-a-memorial-for-a-friend-32afd52682f2 "Alzheimer's and the Flipside"
In the interview, he explains what it's like to have Alzheimer's and have most of his conscious energy back home on the flipside. "It's like leaving a leg in the pool." But since then Jack has left the planet, and now is "back home" where he can access his son, my pal Paul Tracey.
One note, Paul was born on 5-4, 54, so when Jennifer says "He says he's turning 70" that is correct. I forgot that he was referring to his upcoming birthday next Month. As our arguments were always about the most inane subjects, I must say that he is correct and I was wrong about the date.
It's a fascinating conversation - because even thought he left the planet 19 years ago, and Luana left back in 1996, it's like the both of them are present and able to converse with us about the journey. Prince stops by briefly to talk again about the book "SURRENDER" by Bono - a book he recommends.
But the majority of this conversation is about the Traceys - Paul and his father.
It's mind bending to say the least.

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Another mind bending session with three individuals on the flipside.
In the first section, Jennifer's dad Jim stops by. A Mormon Bishop, he's stopped by in the past to show his daughter some amazing things. We took a visit to her Akashic Library some years ago, as well as introduced us to a classroom on the flipside where the subject was "astrophysics" - but the class was in deep space. At first he warned Jennifer not to be "freaked out" by his teacher - who appeared in a cloak with 8 arms.
Because of my extensive travels in India and Tibet, I suspected she might be someone that people there were aware of, and after looking it up, we returned to his class so I could ask the question, "Do people in India refer to you as something?" and Jennifer said "Ma." (As in Ma Durga).
We've spoken to her a number of times, but in this session, Jim says he's taking another class as well, a class about "the energy of love." And as an example, he talks about visiting another galaxy, and "viewing it through the lens of love" - the idea that we can view other galaxies or planets with "unconditional love" is the key to understanding or comprehending those realms.
Mind bending.
But when I asked about the teacher, he self identified as "Five" someone we've interviewed before on this podcast. (Search the word "five" and you'll hear other podcasts with him.) It's equally mind bending, because I initially met him (as noted in the podcast) during a hypnotherapy session reported in the book IT'S A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE.
I was filming so I wasn't doing the interview. But then another trip to an Akashic library as reported in ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE, I was conversing with a Harvard graduate, whose guide ("Trixie") was asked "is there anything else we should look at?" she said "Yes, she's saying she wants to visit the Akashic library" and there, introduced us to the SAME LIBRARIAN.
Mind bending as I say - when I asked him some questions, he said "You've already asked these questions" - and then reminded me that I was in the room when the hypnotherapist Scott was asking them (not me).
Then he's shown up a few other times, in our podcast as well. When asked about his role, I would be remiss not to mention that he's self identified as the "head librarian" - meaning, he's in charge of all the Akashic records (even though others may see their guides, teachers, classmates in their own library, he's identifying himself as the "head librarian" for this part of the Universe and all the beings in it.
Like I say - mind bending. No other way to put it.
Then after a discussion about quantum mechanics as well as what he meant by saying "God is beyond the capacity of the human brain to comprehend, it's not physically possible, but that we can experience God by opening our heart to everyone and all things."
Finally a visit from the Oscar nominated screenwriter of "Greystoke" Robert Towne's dog Hira, (Robert's pseudonym) who has been a frequent guest on the podcast. He talks again about how animals are aware of how incarnation works, but humans are not. How animals seek out and "find their humans" through a lot of hard work and manipulation.
Again - not an opinion, theory or belief. Just reporting.
For more details: see DivineCouncils.com - for the book with a variety of people accessing this information without hypnosis, see GreatestStoryNever.com for links about the latest book which has a number of interviews with the alpha and omega, or watch the film HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com - to see Jennifer in action talking to the flipside (as well as research).
Thanks for tuning in!