Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Another fun adventure with the flipside.
Jennifer Shaffer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. For the past 8 years we meet up weekly to talk to people offstage.
I've been filming people talking to loved ones offstage for fifteen years. Examples are in the documentaries FLIPSIDE; MY JOURNEY INTO THE AFTERLIFE https://www.amazon.com/Flipside-Journey-Afterlife-Richard-Martini/dp/B0081U6K1Y TALKING TO BILL PAXTON, https://www.amazon.com/Backstage-Pass-Flipside-Talking-Paxton/dp/B0CGRKSYGN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1B31PRFLYCZF1&keywords=talking+to+bill+paxton&qid=1694192902&s=instant-video&sprefix=talking+to+bill+paxton%2Cinstant-video%2C141&sr=1-1
and HACKING THE AFTERLIFE https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/0M297GRYOUK92ZY6V09DS43CGV/ref=atv_dp_cnc_0_0
A couple of weeks ago, Tony Bennett came through and we didn't talk about his dementia - something he had before he left the planet. He said that "only about 2-10% of his conscious energy" was in his body while still on the planet. (The rest is reportedly back "home" - which is what people consistently report. That is - they're already "offstage" before the curtain falls.)
He talked about feeling the emotions of all those who loved him and his music, and said that he connects to those individuals "through the heart." He said that Lady Gaga was a beautiful, talented person, and that he "communicates with her all the time" whether she's aware of it or not.
When we play an instrument, or sing - it's like they can "share the ride" with us.
He mentioned that Rock Hudson was one of the people who greeted him, and we asked if Rock wanted to come forward and speak. He spoke about who greeted him on the other side, as well as seeing a number of friends who also had left the stage due to AIDS.
We talked a little bit about his friend James Dean, and the concept that we had spoken to both the higher self of James, and the person who James told us to seek out who he's "come back as." Rock said "that's normal, and many have done that" including himself.
Tony mentioned seeing Gloria Vanderbilt speaking with JFK - and I asked Gloria about her journey, as well as Anderson. I know that Anderson is a skeptic in this area, but she said he has many talents besides news gathering - and to remind him that he doesn't have to stay at CNN for the rest of his life. (Her words, not mine.)
She talked about seeing her son, Anderson's brother before she left the planet.
Jennifer mentioned seeing Wayne Dyer - someone she has followed for years, and how he showed up to remind her to not doubt when he does show up. It echoed what Yogananda said a couple of weeks back; "When you put me on a pedestal it's harder to allow me into one's heart."
Thanks for tuning in!
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Another mind bending episode.
Luana Anders is our pal on the flipside who generates the guest list. In this case it was someone who passed away recently, musician Gary Wright.
Gary was famous for his song "Dream Weaver." He worked with George Harrison and others in a long career. Jennifer did a private session with him in his home a few years ago, and he wanted to talk about his journey to the flipside. He talked about who greeted him there, and what his experience was like.
Gary was a fan of the Indian pandit Yogananda. His book "Autobiography of a Yogi" changed Gary's life because he said it inspired the song Dream Weaver. We've chatted with Yogananda before, I asked him questions about his teacher and other events in his life.
It's a mind bending thing he says when I asked him "What do I tell friends of mine in India about the fact that we've spoken to you?" He said "They have me on a pedestal. You need to have me in your heart to speak to me."
He answered that question before I asked it by taking Jennifer's hand.
Luana then took us to "a concert." I had been asked about a number of people who passed recently, so I wondered if this "concert" was so we could talk to them. Indeed, she brought forth Tony Bennett.
Tony mentioned the time that we met backstage on the tonight show, talked about my healthy head of hair - which allowed me to talk about the black wig he was wearing for that show in the 1980's. Later his son switched it to a grayer one - (or he stopped wearing one, I don't know) but it was funny because he brought it up.
Then we spoke to Walter Matthau. Indeed, I worked as his dialog coach on the Charles Grodin film Movers and Shakers, and he refers to our long conversations. That brought forth Gene Wilder to remind me that we had dinner together (yes, we did with Louise Lasser and Charles Grodin, and I recalled his thick white sox.)
Then Jimmy Buffett stopped by and talked about when he went over to the flipside, he walked onstage to a concert gig. It's often reported by musicians - the feeling of walking onstage and being met by fans and other musicians. He said "It was like playing a 12 hour gig."
He talked about feeling all the love from his fans, and had words for his family.
For other interviews with musicians, take a look at the book TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE which is mostly about them.
Thanks for tuning in.
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Another mind bending podcast.
As noted, Jennifer Shaffer and I have been doing these weekly meetings for 8 years. It was not long after John McCain's passing that I was upstairs in my apt. and heard his voice say "I understand you're the guy to get a message to my family."
I was startled - I didn't know him, met his chief of staff while researching "Three for the Road" in DC, but had no connection to him. Yet I could tell it was his voice. I said to him what I say to everyone "I'm not in charge of that - but if you can get on Luana Ander's guest list we're happy to chat with you."
He had a private message for his daughter, which I passed along through a radio producer we both know - and I have no idea what she thought of someone claiming to "hear her father." I know I would be dubious about it. But I said I would and I did.
And as noted, when RFK's voice showed up one day in my apt - clear as a bell, I was startled to hear it. Again - I said "Well, if you want to pass a message to your family, you need to speak to Luana."
And we did pass a message along to his family, and as noted, that family member thanked me for doing so. It's not up to us whether people take these messages seriously - however if I can figure out a way to pass along a message I will do so.
In today's podcast, John appeared in a dream I had last night, talking about opening up a "McCain's Pub" or "McCain's joint" - a place where people from both sides of the political spectrum could meet - talk about politics without the fervor. Perhaps do karaoke - maybe a folk singer - and people could listen and perhaps not argue. Doesn't mean they're going to change their opinions about anything - but it would be more civil.
It's not something I've ever thought of - and like Jennifer notes, politics is the last thing we want to stir people up about. But he pointed this out in the dream - and talked about it on the podcast.
Was surprised to hear JFK and RFK stopped by - as they did not previously. When we first interviewed Maverick - LBJ stopped by, and later Nixon, then Lincoln, then Mary Todd Lincoln. It's all in BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE.
I try to ask the same questions to all of them. If they can add some kind of insight into our world, I'm happy to share it. I do have conservatives in my family tree - and hopefully we survive the upcoming election. But either way - I love the concept of "before you respond, calm yourself, think a peaceful thought before you respond."
It's really unique and not something I would have ever thought of, or Jennifer would come up with.
Whitney Houston stopped by - I recall interviewing her mother Cissy when Aretha came through (it's in TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE) as they were very close, and Aretha had Whitney around her often.
But in this case, I try to focus on what it is they want to express or talk about - and how others can ask them questions or ask them for help.
As always our class is moderated by Luana Anders, who appears on TCM this week in THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM. I saw the restored print in a theater - it was amazing to see.
I like to point out when people are incredulous about who shows up in our podcasts. "They weren't celebrities when they were children or teens, it's only later on that happened to them. They're always who they are - and when they get to the flipside, they see all the people they've had previous lifetimes with, and the whole notion of celebrity is related to one particular performance.
Their friends, teachers, guides, council members know their whole history - whether in this lifetime they were singers, actors, politicians, carpenters or podcasters. Everyone is just walking each other home.
Hope this helps. Here's a fun video I found looking to see what Maverick's favorite restaurant was... is: https://youtu.be/UNZSCokrrYM?si=of8T0mzvUyJqPsms
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Today's podcast is about managing energy and the myth of Er.
As noted, we don't speak prior to our podcast, not for any particular reason, just that's how it's worked out for the past 8 years.
So whatever comes up is either what pops into my head or what Jennifer sees, hears or gets in reply to my questions.
In this case, Jennifer mentions that she's had a hard week at work with her law enforcement cases and other issues; and so we turn that into a question for Luana on how to manage energy - or stress from the flipside.
She talks about the process of managing energy from the Flipside, how to center oneself via simple meditation... which leads me into a question about Plato's Republic and the Myth of Er (One can read the article I wrote about it at RichMartini.com - https://richmartini.blogspot.com/2023/08/flipside-of-platos-myth-of-er.html
It's uncanny that the concepts explored by Er in terms of talking about his near death experience, visiting his council is in many ways identical to the reports from the folks 2500 years later in the book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE.
One can find that at DivineCouncils.com - either way, Jennifer talks about how to calm one's energy in the chaotic world we live in, and Luana recommends this idea of centering and focusing on a simple meditation of gratitude before one falls asleep - to help center one, and to make the dream state a happier one.
That and more in this episode!
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
First there's a number of mistakes that I made in this podcast. (Note: Not that Jennifer makes, but that I make). One is that the film Dementia 13 was made in 1963, not 1967.
Then there's a discussion with Elvis about his granddaughter Riley, who has a daughter who is not an actress, at least yet; she's only 2.
People sometimes complain that there are "too many celebrities on our podcast" - again, Jennifer is not in charge of the guest list, I ask Luana Anders to bring the guest list.
In this case, a friend of Jennifer's came through first, Eddie Hassell, a young actor who was killed in Texas some years back. He wanted to talk about her event that she did the previous night in a private setting.
Then Elvis and his daughter Lisa Marie came through not to talk about themselves, or their journey, but to point out that our loved ones are always available, always nearby, and that there are people who are suffering over that on the planet, and they wanted to weigh in on the topic.
Jennifer mentions a free meditation app, it's called InsightTimer.com - it has free guided meditations on it. Also there's a reference to my book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE (DivineCouncils.com)
We do this podcast to remind people that their loved ones are always nearby, that they are accessible, that's it's not hard or impossible to chat with them, to bypass the filters to do so - and worth the effort, whether it's Uncle Eddie or Uncle Elvis who stops by to chat.
We can always learn something new from them.
Also a shout out to Tom Petty, thanks for stopping by to confirm that the opening line from "American Girl" came from a line he heard in "Dementia 13."
But he noted that the reason he knew about Luana and our class was much more complicated than that simple notion - because there are connections upon connections will people offstage. And they know how that works.
Hope this helps.
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
A new episode!
Jennifer was whisked off to the Caribbean, then to London, and finally back home to her office where I was able to steal a half hour of her time between clients.
Again, Jennifer is available via JenniferShaffer.com - She works with law enforcement agencies nationwide pro bono on missing person cases.
We've been meeting up like this for 8 years. The past two on our podcast "Hacking the Afterlife."
I reference the podcast with Rob Lowe and the medium Rebecca Rosen, who had a conversation with our pal Bill Paxton recently. Highly recommend taking a listen.
It was a treat to hear Chuck's perspective today - as noted, I was in surgery two weeks ago, and after the podcast I did ask my wife "Did you pray while I was in surgery?" and she looked at me like I was nuts.
"Of course I did."
I didn't know that, I didn't assume it - but I know what he's talking about. She sometimes has dreams about family members, loved ones, and has some of the amazing abilities that mediums sometimes have. Although she would never identify as such - Jennifer knows that Sherry has that awareness as well.
Be that as it may - Jennifer's back in town, our podcast is back on the air!
Happy late summer!
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Hacking the Afterlife Podcast with Jennifer Shaffer Redux; Luana Anders and Bill Paxton
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
In light of the amazing, terrific, mind bending interview that Rob Lowe did with Bill Paxton on his podcast with Rebecca Rosen this week (see link below) I'm reposting one of our conversations with Bill from September 2011.
Listen to Rob Lowe's podcast, listen to the dream he had about his friend Bill, then listen to our podcast and see the similarities of what Bill is reporting from the flipside.
Not gone. Just not here.
These are the liner notes from that session: (seen at MartiniZone.com)
This is part two - from a year later, the same week in September. This was from the week of September 2021.
The conversation is unusual, and more from our pal Bill Paxton on the flipside, along with Luana Anders guiding the path.
I'll let this archival podcast speak for itself. We'll be back in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, enjoy this archived podcast from a year ago.
Here's the link that Bill's old friend Rob Lowe did with medium Rebecca Rosen to chat with his old friend. There's my transcription of it here, with a link on that page:
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Jennifer is still on vacation, and I'm recovering from surgery. So today's podcast is a repeat from a year ago. Fun to see how things that we heard a year ago still apply.
Another example of how we don't plan our podcasts - we could, we can, but in this case, we just let Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside dictate who was going to chat with us. First up was Jennifer's dad Jim, the Mormon bishop who passed five years ago, who had in the past showed us some amazing things on the flipside, including an Akashic library (I asked him to access a memory that Jennifer had no awareness of - and he showed her an event she had forgotten). Jim has shown us the astrophysics class he attends on the flipside a few times, and I've had the opportunity to interview his teacher (who some folks on the planet refer to as Ma Durga.) So when he shows up to chat, I do my best to ask questions that might have some resonance to what we discuss - the process of accessing information from the flipside. It's Jim's birthday during the podcast, and we take the time to say Happy Birthday Jennifer's dad Jim. Towards the end, three people who I met in life showed up - one was and is a close friend, Charles Grodin, who brought along with him two of his close friends. Gene Wilder (who helped start Chuck's career) and his wife Gilda Radner. Now for those who are up on these kinds of things, yes Gene was remarried - and yes, he did have Alzheimers late in life - but that has zero to do with accessing the energy of who they are. I'm sorry they showed up at the end of our podcast, as Jennifer did have to move on to helping her clients. Suffice to say, I know that Charles has shown up in the past, we've interviewed both Gene and Gilda in the past - and those interviews are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE as well as a "workbook" to help anyone do this same kind of "chatting with the flipside." Jennifer's off to Montana this week, hopefully we'll be back next week, but either way - remember, your loved ones are not far away, and it doesn't require a medium, hypnotherapy or meditation to access them - but all can and do help.
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer - podcast from two years ago
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Jennifer is still on vacation, deep sea diving somewhere in the Atlantic. In order to encourage people to go through some of our previous podcasts, here's one from two years ago when I had my hip replaced.
We talk about my trip to Mt. Kailash where I put my friend's titanium hip in a stupa, a stone sculpture made by thousands who'd walked around Mt. Kailash over the years. Considered one of the most sacred spots on earth by Hindus, Jains, the Bon and Tibetan Buddhists, I had taken that trip in 2004 where I deposited my friend Paul Tracey's hip.
I'm about to go into surgery to get the other one replaced - a matching pair! Bookends! So in honor of that I post this one from two years ago, July 8th, 2021.
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Podcast begins with a general discussion about the recent submarine disaster, Bill Paxton stops by to say hello. When Jennifer and I first met, it was doing a session with my old friend Bill, who introduced himself by putting her in the submarine he took to visit the Titanic. She didn't know who she was at first, nor why he was showing her the ship.
He talks generally about how things went awry, and cites his pal James Cameron. Then Charles Grodin stops by to talk about his godson RJ and his recent graduation, as well as a prediction that he will become a music composer. Jennifer could not have known that we were talking about exactly that topic this past week.
Then I had a question about a podcast I did with Simon Bown - it will air on July 10th, where we have a conversation with Jesus. At some point this topic of a Roman soldier who "looked like Jesus" and "took his place" came up - interesting to hear this twist on that twist, as Archangel Michael does the talking.
As Jennifer notes, she has no motive to make this up - she's reporting, but in essence, he gives another spin on the story which is recounted in "The Greatest Story Never Told as Told by Jesus and Those who Knew him." According to Michael - the story is 98% accurate.
So there's two percent to continue to learn.
Eventually we get to a conversation about Julian Sands and the recent discovery of what appears to be his remains. As noted, we spoke to him not long after he disappeared, and he pointed out again that he still exists, and is sending messages of love to his wife and children.
It's sad to think he's gone, but good to hear he's enjoying the flipside. I met him briefly through Jan Sharp and Phillip Noyce, we had lunch to continue some of our deep conversation and stayed in touch over the years, not as much as I wish we could have.
But either way, good to hear that he's been found and people can go about having some closure. "Don't be afraid to climb" he says.
Good advice for everyone.