Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.

Friday Oct 09, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Eddie Van Halen and Bill Paxton
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Not quite sure how to put this - but I got the chance to interview Mr. Van Halen on the flipside today.
Jennifer was aware he had passed, no idea I had invited him - and we had a free wheeling discussion about his music, where music comes from, previous lifetimes where he had music in his life, his journey in general, and what it was like to cross over and be home.
Jennifer and I have been doing this for five years now - there are always specific details that only a family member would know (or dismiss) - people generally hear things they're supposed to hear. For those who are familiar with the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" 1, 2 and 3 (as well as the book "Hacking the Afterlife" and the film "Flipside" - this is more of the same. More verification. Jennifer did not know that Eddie played on two tracks for Quincy Jones on Michael Jackson's songs - and she names them both.
I have been doing this for so long with her, know that she works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (ask Bill Bratton former NYPD commissioner about her), and two of our class pals stop by. Bill Paxton to talk about the frequency of movies, and Anthony Bourdain to give me some health advice that is right on the money.
No other way to put it. If one wants to speak directly to loved ones on the flipside, there are three methods I can recommend; hypnotherapy, guided meditation and through a medium like Jennifer. Enjoy.

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Having been away from Jennifer for a couple of weeks, I just let the conversation go where it was supposed to go.
I had been doing some research into my own family history, found a family secret and asked Jennifer's help in getting to the bottom of it. No one will understand or be convinced of anything - but I know what she's talking about. Then we have a screenplay Luana wrote that her friend Fred Roos is trying to produce, and Jennifer nails every step of where it is.
Some discussion of process - how it is she translates what she sees or hears, and I ask a question about a conversation I had on quora about someone who heard the word "onion soup" and asked this fellow to ask me a question about it.

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Ketamine, Hawking and Harry Dean
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Another conversation with the flipside about process. In this case, the term "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" came to mind and it appears to reference the idea that we are always connected to all of our lifetimes - no matter which role we've chosen on the planet this time around.
There's a brief hello from our pals from Big Love, Harry Dean and Bill - and then a surprise visit from Stephen Hawking who tells us there is a "formula" for love. Another mind bending episode into the flipside.

Monday Sep 14, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana, Bill and Venus de Milo
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
This is a conversation with Luana Anders (my friend on the flipside) and Jennifer about process and access.
That is how they, the folks on the flipside access us, the process in doing so. At some point, we are visited by my old friend and pal Bill Paxton. ("Talking to Bill Paxton" is a film on Gaia that I made with three different mediums asking Bill questions about how we met, what it's like on the flipside, and other detailed things - all three mediums gave the same answers.)
In this case, Bill came forward to talk about something Jennifer could not have known, did not know - was not aware of. He talks about our son having picked up the guitar and started playing it. It's pretty mind bending - I play guitar, but have played piano most of my life. In fact playing piano is what got me on the boat where I met Venus (de Milo) the Jack Russell Terrier.
We've heard in the past, that my mother, a concert pianist has been "helping my son" with his piano playing. Something he's picked up on his own, no formal training, but can play film scores a few minutes after he's heard them. A couple of weeks ago, he picked up the guitar, learning some songs from a game he was playing and within days he'd mastered them completely.
Having grown up around music, when Bill comes forth and says "Your son is a masterful guitar player" I know exactly what he's referring to. Jennifer does not, could not, is not aware that he's playing guitar - was aware that he was playing piano as my mom would come forward and mention it that she was "helping him" to do so.
It's a verification of the kind of verifications that people look for or need - but it was also on point, as he came to talk about process and how that works.
Finally, an interview with a dog I met on a Millenium Cruise ship. Another trip later, he was swept out to sea, and I know his owner was bereft. Since we've been chatting with Robert Towne's dog "Hira" on a regular basis (see "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" or some of the previous clips) I knew it was possible. Didn't know what he would say.

Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Very unusual podcast today - when is it not?
First Luana Anders came forward to talk about a global issue, and physicist David Bohm weighs in. Then David Bowie comes forward to talk about cancer, and someone he helped escort into the flipside; Chadwick Boseman. Jennifer has not seen Black Panther, Get On Up, 42, or was aware at first who I was inviting to speak with us.
Which made for an unusual but heartfelt discussion of what it was like for the iconic actor to be greeted on the flipside by Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and all the iconic people he's portrayed. All I can say is it exactly what others have said - and those transcripts can be found in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" part one, part two and book three.
I felt it might be an interesting interview, and it was. Apologies in advance to folks who are in the midst of grieving or feeling awful about his departure - we do this work to demonstrate that our loved ones are never far from us, and by focusing on them, they can reach out and speak to us.

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
You just never know who wants to chat with us. In this case, I had no clue that Sammy Davis Jr. wanted to have a word with us - he appears in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" so he's always welcome, but he wanted to weigh in on the events in Kenosha Wisconsin.
Let me be clear - I had a completely different thought of what our podcast might be this week, but I have to allow that I am not in charge of the guest list, Jennifer Shaffer is not in charge of the guest list. We just ask "Who is here?" and go from there. We may get it right, we may get the information out of wack - but Sammy Davis Jr. wanted to say something about race relations in America. Also Bill Paxton stopped by to say hi, Mother Mary showed up and introduced us to Mother Theresa. I don't know how else to say this than - we just keep doing what we are doing, and if people learn anything from this odd research, it's for the best.

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
This one is a bit all over the map.
We begin with a general discussion of "manifesting something" versus "seeing it in our future early on." That moves into a conversation about Saint Bernadette and a pal of mine what I think may be partially the reincarnation of. Then to the concept of math and the flipside - what infinity represents. A general chat with Simon Newcomb - or a hello.
Then a visit from Mary - yes, that Mary... and from Elvis and his grandson to say something rather poetic about why people might feel the need to check off the planet early.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and a Guardian of the Galaxy
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Last night I had a "visitation" from someone who self identified as "the Principal."
I asked this person if I was supposed to interview them in today's podcast and they said "Yes, the questions will appear for you." So I had no one to look up, research... but knew that this person had told me that they were "the principal." I thought about teachers I knew, principals I knew - but just left it aside.
So this interview goes without any planning. At some point I realize that this person meant "the principle" (it's a mathematical phrase) and further blew my mind with the idea that they were trying to help our planet to "plant seeds" - not only to save the planet with trees which will reduce carbon, cool the planet - but also to plant seeds in our minds that we can communicate with them.
The term "Guardian Angel" comes at the very end of the session - as this person answered the question "would people on the planet refer to you as an angel?" They said "Yes." And later, Jennifer supplied the term "Guardian" as it applies to what we were talking about.
Guardians of the Galaxy or Guardian Angels - same thing apparently.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, John Lewis, Prince and Billie Holiday
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Another mind bending session.
Apologies for the wifi interruptions on audio... there's a moment in here where I ask Representative Lewis about three names - James, Andrew and Michael. Prior to the session - I knew who they were.
All freedom riders (like John) and two of them he knew well. When he reported through Jennifer being reconnected with them... and then I asked him to show Jennifer who they were... and she correctly says on camera that they were murdered by the KKK... it doesn't get any more proof of concept than that.
The "Emmett" I refer to is the one and only Emmett Till - the 14 year old boy murdered in the South whose death effected John Lewis immensely. Apologies for becoming emotional - but sometimes this information is overwhelming. I can only imagine what he describes to Jennifer - the standing ovation from millions of people who had been hurt, whose lives he honored with his life.
Last week - we asked him to come forward but I didn't name him - this week Prince returned to introduce him to the class. He was the one who mentions Billie Holiday and I took the opportunity to ask her some simple questions. It was John who I researched this morning when I realized that he might show up in class today.
Apologies to anyone this interview might offend - but in terms of his life, and his journey, I am here to state unequivocally, I film these, I report these for the same reasons that John walked into a wall of billy clubs in order to speak the truth. The part about Jesus is in the transcripts of both "Hacking the Afterlife" the book and "Architecture of the Afterlife."
The interviews with Dr. King, James Brown, Ray Charles and others is in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3." I'm just reporting.

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
This turned out to be an episode where folks came forward from the flipside to talk about the pandemic.
Junior Seau wanted to reinforce the idea that hyperbaric oxygen therapy cures a host of brain issues (and a shout out to Joe Namath), Robin Williams wanted to speak about depression and the pandemic - how to alleviate it.
Prince wanted to talk about using water and music to help with mental issues, Dr. Salk spoke about the properties of elderberry with regard to the lungs. A pretty unusual session that included some wise words from my mom, and a neighbor who died of covid last week.