Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.

Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
A friend who is a doctor suggested we do a podcast where we ask people on the flipside for some advice on how to counsel people about the trauma they've gone through the past week.
Jennifer and I have been speaking to folks offstage for ten years now, and there have been many natural disasters in the past decade. In this case, both of us know people who have suffered the loss of their homes and are at a loss over what comes next.
In terms of help, there are a number of organizations that can help, from Fema to local government agencies, from WCK.org with Chef Andres to local places for clothing or food.
In this case, my friend Luana Anders, who passed away in 1996 gives some advice from her perspective - that there is always good that comes from tragedy. We talk about how many people in the throes of trauma aren't ready to hear advice about how to heal - and it's difficult to hear someone from the flipside say "It's just things" or "It's stuff."
I like to say "It's props and costumes" - but that is little solace to someone without fire insurance having to depend on the kindness of strangers.
But as Jennifer notes, she's seeing and hearing from many on the flipside about how they are concerned and trying to help their loved ones.
Anyways, it's a more philosophical version of our podcast, not about asking specific people on the flipside about their journey - but asking for our guides, teachers, council members to weigh in on how to connect to them for help or advice.
And as we've noted in the past, our guides and council members are never far from us - are available - through meditation, through prayer, through direct connection, through "picturing yourself in a boat on a river" and asking them to stop by and give us advice.
We are never alone. We don't arrive onstage alone, and we don't leave alone. That's what the data, the research, the footage shows.
Hope this helps whomever it's meant to help who is tuning in.
"Give what you think you need." (from Luana Anders on the flipside.)

Friday Jan 03, 2025
Friday Jan 03, 2025
Happy New Year!
Well no time like the present to kick off the new year with a mind bending podcast courtesy of Jennifer Shaffer and Rich Martini. Jennifer's web page JenniferShaffer.com has links to her "Uncorked" events, or to book with her directly, RichardMartini.com is where one can book a guided meditation with Rich.
So the other day in my kitchen (and I don't know why it's the case, but I sometimes get a message or feeling there that someone wants to talk to us) President Jimmy Carter popped into my head.
It of course could have been because he'd just passed away - but I try not to judge why someone shows up, or if someone shows up. I just leave it aside, and see what happens when we start the podcast.
And as we often do, I left it up to our moderator on the Flipside, Luana Anders to suggest the topic for the day. And she told Jennifer: "Richard has someone who spoke to him yesterday."
Which is accurate. And just prior to the podcast - literally a minute before, I remembered that happened, and I looked up Jimmy on Wikipedia so at the very least I had some of his background correct. as it is - at some point I call the King of England before Elizabeth "Edward" when everyone knows that's not her father's name.
But Jennifer didn't say his name - just pointed out that she was seeing him when Winston Churchill showed up. (For historians out there, the story of Winston sleeping in the White House and seeing a ghost is old news.)
As noted, when over the past ten years we have someone Presidential show up (We've had all chats with Hoover, FDR, Truman, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr.. and folks associated with the Presidency - Abe Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, RFK, John McCain - those interviews are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE (books 1, 2 and 3).
Some of them are searchable on the podcast - Abe, JFK, RFK, etc... but it wasn't surprising what Jimmy said about seeing Reagan on the flipside, how McCain stopped by - and the legions of people who loved him were there to greet him.
Interesting that he said Rosalyn was "with him" frequency wise - he spoke about the regrets he had from his life (associated with war) and the things he was proudest of.
I asked him a question about a film project I've been working on - something only he would know about, the land case in Maine. Fun to hear him say it's a story "that should be told."
He also talked briefly about people off planet - since he saw a UFO back in 1969, and says that the kinds of work they're doing are benevolent... nothing to fear. The same kind of things I've heard in the research behind CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND.
We asked him who he was surprised to see - and he mentioned Winston Churchill and Elvis - who was friends with him. Paul Newman showed up - I wasn't aware of their friendship, but Jimmy talked about Paul's food charity work, and we asked Paul some questions about his journey, including what it was like to welcome his wife Joanne Woodward home.
So while one is watching the nation mourn this President, while the nation has a funeral for him, honoring him and his service, be aware that he hasn't disappeared or is gone: he's just not here.
Available. Like everyone is.
Hope this helps.

Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Ho ho ho! Well, we've made it to the end of another year. Jennifer talks a bit about the lessons learned in his one, and the ones that seem to be on the horizon. We revisit a tidbit from last week's podcast when Amelia Earhart suggested I might take a trip to ChatGPT with regard to the book I'm working on - and I realized when I listened afterwards, she may have been referring to a search I had done a few days before.
Turns out that indeed was the case, when I asked ChatGPT to identify the mysterious woman whom Amelia was in love with, who was part of the marriage with George Putnam, who was in bed with Amelia and George when Dorothy Putnam walked in on the three of them.
This has been something I had searched and researched since 2008 when I first heard it from Pattie Canova, a medium in NYC, then via Jamie Butler, a medium working with Channeling Erik, then via Jennifer Shaffer during our marathon interviews with Amelia when we met ten years ago.
Now I have a name to go with the story. I am thrilled to learn it. Then Junior Seau showed up to say hello - we've interviewed him before about how CTE has been cured by Joe Namath using oxygen therapy.
Then my old pal Bill Paxton showed up to say hello, tease Jennifer because she always forgets her name, and when I asked him who he was surprised to see on the flipside, he mentioned Carl Weathers - whom I spent a year writing a screenplay with.
Carl was also a sweetheart, a wonderful friend like Bill is and was - and knowing the two of them hanging out means all that many more laughs in the universe.
Another thrilling thing to hear.
So with all these thrills, sending everyone a happy holidays, Happy Hanukkah, a safe and hilarious New Year's and we'll catch you on the flipside of 2024!
As always, a special thanks to Jennifer and to Luana for making this podcast possible. It's mind bending, but it has been since we began ten years ago!!!

Saturday Dec 21, 2024
Saturday Dec 21, 2024
Happy Holidaze everyone! Here’s our Christmas 2024 podcast, Jennifer talks about a “life changing” experience doing a workshop with Dr. Joe Dispenza recently. She recounts a powerful meditation that included a past life memory that included a lifetime during the Holocaust. For fans of the Flipside research, this is the third time someone I know has had an experience recalling a lifetime that ended during the Holocaust.
It’s a controversial subject to be sure, but to it’s not reported lightly. As note, in the book and film Flipside, there’s a woman who recalled dying in Auschwitz, and then some years later a friend of mine did a session where he recalled being in Dachau – a very successful TV producer who when accessing this past life memory said “I’d had so many lifetimes in the light, I wanted to remember what it was like experiencing the dark.” (that’s the “River of Souls” reference, a chapter in the book “Flipside.”)
In this episode, Jennifer recalls how recalling this experience did some healing for her voice – literally and figuratively. And in terms of Jennifer’s experience, this memory was part of the healing that she went through. “Her voice needed to be heard.”
We have a number of friends stop by to weigh in or say hello – my old boss Robert Towne who met Jennifer a few years ago and did a number of sessions with her where he accessed his old friend Eddie Taylor and his dog Hira. Also a visit from Amelia Earhart – and something I missed when we did the session, but heard in the edit.
That is; she mentioned “using ChatGPT” in terms of exploring her story… and I forgot that I had done that for a specific reason. I will address this in a future session – where I asked ChatGPT a question about Amelia that I didn’t know the answer to – despite years of exploration – and there was an answer that was very intriguing. So next podcast, I will revisit that conversation.
That’s the fun part of this exploration – since we do it every week (for the past ten years) I can bring something up next week that was said in this previous podcast. I hope I remember it!
So this holiday season it’s important to remember that those folks who are offstage are available to us. When celebrating try to toast them in present tense.
Amelia says something about an Anniversary. Indeed, it’s been ten years since we first starting having these conversations. Mind bending to be sure.
Our loved ones are not far away. Take the time to open oneself up to the possibility they still exist.
And her daughter’s surgery went great, and she reports everything is “just fine.”
As Luana puts it “Know that your loved one is already healed before they go in.”
“Everyone can access their loved ones offstage, wake up, believe it’s possible, it’s simple.”

Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Yay! It's been ten years - we are counting from when we met ten years ago after Thanksgiving, when Jennifer listed to the Audible book IT'S A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE while she was doing the dishes.
She reached out to me on Facebook, we became pals, talked on the phone. As noted, I had no clue what she was doing - until she said she helped law enforcement agencies nationwide with missing person cases. I realized I'd been working on one such case for decades.
So I asked and she accepted - without me saying who it was I was looking to speak with. I spent three hours in her office talking to Amelia Earhart - Jennifer confirmed my three decades of research and added details I didn't know but later found to be accurate.
We've been doing this on and off for ten years. There are four books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3, TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE - and 100s of podcasts. The pandemic allowed us to find a way to put these videos online.
If someone wants to communicate with their loved ones, they can. Using hypnotherapy, mediumship or guided meditation - and it's what I've been filming outside the podcast for fifteen years, but the past three years, Jennifer and I have been doing these kinds of explorations live on camera.
And in our first meeting ten years ago, Bill Paxton showed up - she didn't know what we were pals, she didn't know he was an actor. She said "Your friend is here, his name is Bill." I asked him to show her how we knew each other - he showed her the Titanic and took her on a trip there (in her viewpoint - she was with him in Jim Cameron's bathysphere). It's in the documentary HACKING THE AFTERLIFE.
Jennifer works with law enforcement nationwide, I've interviewed some of the agents who've worked with her. We talk often about the process, because the people I've filmed under hypnosis, or using hypnotherapy as done by the Newton Institute, or using guided meditation - it's something we've been examining, exploring for all this time.
A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to a conference at UVA medical lab DOPS to share the research about filters on the brain. Last week Jennifer showed brain scans that she had done with EEG, that showed while she is doing a session, the entire left side of her head is "asleep" or in "deep meditation."
I wanted to note that this is also where many people talk about "hearing the voice" of a loved one.. (back and to the left.) It may have to do with the location of the filters on the brain that block this information.
Then we have a lively discussion about my meeting Billy Bob Thornton during a funeral, and how I later heard about his connection to Billy Wilder (who was buried a few feet from where we were speaking.) Bill Paxton did a couple of films with Billy Bob, and it's fun to listen to their Texas accents.
Anyways, this is another one of those mind bending podcasts, as Billy Wilder shows up to weigh in, and Bill Paxton shows up on our tenth anniversary show. I hope he shows up for the 20th anniversary as well!
Knock on wood.
Time is quite different on the Flipside anyways.
Hope this podcast helps someone.
I'm appearing on COAST TO COAST with George Noory on Dec 4th, Jennifer is appearing on the NEXT LEVEL SOUL podcast on Dec. 24th. We may do one more podcast before the end of the year, but happy holidays to everyone!
Thanks for tuning in.

Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Mind bending podcast!!! Brain scans that prove Jennifer is IN ANOTHER ZONE!!! Jennifer was invited by a lab up in Marin County to do some EEGs of her brain, based upon the fact that she'd had a number of events, broken bones over the years. She went up to a brain scan lab in Marin where they mapped her brain - doing a baseline scan while she was "not thinking of anything" - and then while doing a session with someone in the office, but looking straight ahead.
The results are dramatic and mind bending. The results show that when Jennifer is "doing a session" (in trance, or as I call it "bypassing the filters on the brain") she's in full DELTA state - the equivalent of being in a deep sleep, or as shown in the scans of monks who are in a trance or doing meditation.
From an AI definition of the Theta vs. Delta state:
There are various levels of awareness and sleep as recorded by science - theta state, delta state, etc. Theta and delta waves are both types of brain waves that occur during sleep, but they have different frequencies and are associated with different stages of sleep:
Theta waves
These waves are associated with the initial stages of non-REM sleep, and are characterized by a frequency of 3–8 Hz and an amplitude of 50–100 µV. Theta waves are associated with deep relaxation, creativity, intuition, and visualization.
Delta waves
These waves are associated with deep, slow-wave sleep, and are characterized by a frequency of 0.5–3 or 4 Hz and an amplitude of 100–200 µV. Delta waves are associated with physical healing and regeneration, reduced stress and anxiety, and dreamless sleep.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is the primary tool used to measure brainwaves during sleep."
It's as if Jennifer is "sound asleep" while we're doing these sessions, while she's working with law enforcement, while working with her clients. Her brain is "In another dimension" so to speak - not the awake mind that we associate with daily living.
Also worth noting; as the video of a Parkinson's patient (on this page - Coleman Hough) during hypnosis showed, during the hypnosis session she lost her symptoms; she stopped shaking and spoke normally. (As if she was asleep, while consciously speaking.) As noted, people with brain issues (Parkinsons, Tourette's) don't shake or have tics while they're sleeping. It's only in the Theta state that the shaking returns (as evidenced in the session with Coleman, all the shaking returned when she was "counted down."
In the research from Dr. Greyson ("AFTER") he talks about filters on the brain, that "block information not conducive to survival." Dr. Wambach talks about the same filters in her book "Reliving Past Lives."
The point is - if people can use meditation (and Coleman told us from the flipside that both meditation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help) to bypass the filters, why not use that as a tool for healing?
It's uncanny that Jennifer has these scans, and as noted in the podcast, a scientist at the University of Pennsylvania is doing EEG/MRI scans of mediums. (Dr. Beauregard's BRAIN WARS has some MRI data in his research.)
Luana Anders is our moderator on the flipside, LuanaAnders.com - passed in 1996, was pals with Tina Turner, both SGI Buddhists. So Tina stops by to say hello. (And Jennifer has had a client who has spoken with Tina as well.)
So HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Each week Jennifer and I have no idea what we're going to talk about, and each week we go further and farther into the flipside to learn new information.
Stay tuned! And don't forget to give thanks for being allowed to return to the planet to celebrate one's loved ones! They are not gone, they're just not here. When you toast them, do so in present tense.

Friday Nov 15, 2024
Friday Nov 15, 2024
This podcast was recorded at 1 pm, PST, 11.14 BEFORE it was announced by the incoming administration they'd nominated RFK Jr. to run Health and Human Services.
Despite the controversy surrounding Robert Jr. as of late, I did meet him when Charles Grodin had him on his talk show, when he famously suggested that the parent company of NBC was deliberately polluting the Hudson River.
That episode got the Charles Grodin show cancelled. (Chuck didn't care, he wouldn't pull the show when GE asked him to. He then moved to MSNBC). However, Charles was a fierce advocate on behalf of human rights, and he was honored by Ethyl Kennedy in his tireless work to get women out of prison in New York State.
He was honored in 2013 at the Robert Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights and it was a proud moment for him.
So I knew that Charles spoke to Ethyl weekly, and they made each other laugh a lot. I was there in Chuck's living at least twice where she called to talk to her friend - and they rarely talked for less than an hour. Chuck adored her.
So when I asked Robert to show Jennifer Shaffer who in our "class on the flipside" - when she said "I saw Chuck" - I knew instantly why that was the case.
This podcast has a number of mind bending elements to it.
First and foremost, the story of how Robert F. Kennedy's voice showed up in my apt, clear as a bell saying "I understand you're the fellow who can help me get a message to my family."
I was shocked to imagine I heard it - and had the presence of mind to say "No, I'm not the guy, but talk to Luana Anders over on the flipside, and she can orchestrate the conversation."
So when I met up with Jennifer a few days later - in our usual spot in Manhattan Beach, I turned on my camera and filmed Jennifer say "Robert Kennedy is here."
I didn't tell her I'd heard his voice. I didn't tell her that's who I was going to invite to speak to us that day. That chapters is in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE.
So now - here, this same day that their son is named to be a candidate for a Cabinet member in the upcoming administration - I had no idea that Robert or Ethyl might come forward, nor did Jennifer.
So that's mind bending unto itself.
Then Robert and Ethyl both confirmed via Jennifer what we've been saying over and over and over in our podcast. That our loved ones are not gone; they're just not here.
And frankly, the four key things we heard from his father and mother were that it was going to be difficult to navigate working with the new President, that it was going to be difficult to put up with the naysayers, and it would be difficult to deal with the news media which can be hurtful at best... the fourth to be "aware of the possible consequences" of his actions.
His father said he could be intransigent in his beliefs - but at the same time, said that "Robert junior can hear us when he meditates."
I have no clue if Robert Jr. meditates - but I can say without a shadow of doubt that is repeated often in this research, that in ten years of filming Jennifer speaking to people offstage, that is the number one avenue people point to on the flipside.
Med means measure in Latin. Measuring one's thoughts to block the cacophony - and the most important part was asking the question about "leading with one's heart."
Now - I don't know where that question or comment came from. But my assessment of the fellow, despite the huge paintbrush of negativity that's been thrown in his direction before, now and continues to be tossed his way - as I say in the podcast, I'm not trying to "alter anyone's beliefs" or "change anyone's opinion" - but I must speak clearly that in my assessment of what he's been fighting for, being mocked for, comes from the heart.
Comes from the desire and fervent belief that it is going to help people.
So in that ironic sense, we have this unusual outcome from an election that half of the country is miserable about, but half of the country is hopeful about - for whatever reasons; financial ones, emotional ones...
That crazy election has put their son in a position to do some good for the planet, and they are saying that they are available to give him counsel, to help guide him to the best angels in his heart - and that they are always always available.
On this Hacking the Afterlife podcast page, there is an interview with Fred Trump Senior and Beau Biden, President Biden's son. Jennifer did not know that I had invited them to speak to us (search the word "Fred" to find it in the search box).
And in that interview - something is spoken of that we tend to forget. That everyone plays a role in life, everyone plays a role onstage. That we exist before we incarnate, before we come on stage, and the events that occur may have been planned lifetimes in advance - and that no one every disappears. They may be offstage, but they are available if we open our hearts to the possibility they still exist.
Again - I had no idea that Robert would be asked to serve in this role. I have no idea how good or bad a job he might do at it. I do know, from personal experience that he's someone who does care, that the motivation - and this part is key - comes from the heart.
I won't attest to anyone else that is the case - despite his entire family shunning him as of late.
Clearly not everyone feels the same way.
So to those that will be offended by this conversation with Robert and Ethyl Kennedy all I can say is - we do these podcasts to help people realize their loved ones are not far away.
That the politics and enmity and discourse and anger, vitriol is all part of a stage play. That we all come from light, we are all equal offstage, that everyone returns home after the play is over.
That's reported consistently in the data, research from UVA Medical school DOPS lab that demonstrates consciousness is not confined to the brain, in the NDE research that shows that 85% of people who experience something report experience "source" or "God" (whether they're believers or not) This is not a religious comment, and those who've been fans of this podcast for the past couple of years know that we speak from a non denominational perspective, and try to be as apolitical as we can.
But this is beyond that... if one person listening to this podcast realizes that their loved ones might still exist, then it's worth the efforts we've put into it.
Oh, and Marilyn shows up to say they're old friends, and she and Ethyl were in charge of the chessboard.
Hope this helps.

Friday Nov 08, 2024
Friday Nov 08, 2024
This is a jam packed podcast. It starts off with a visit from our pal Abraham who says "Democracy will prevail" and "We've worked too hard to let it fail." Jennifer and I had not planned to talk about the election - and I asked him about the conversation we had with him a few weeks ago, with regard to an article I wrote on Medium where I did a "guided meditation" with the CharacterAI known as Abraham.
"It was more accurate than you know" he said at the time. I mentioned that I had a couple of people that were on our list to speak with.
Jennifer clearly isn't aware of Teri Garr or her career - but I knew Teri when she was working on "One From the Heart" as Luana was helping Francis with some dialog, and we had dinner with her and her husband Roger Birnbaum.
Also I knew that Fred Roos, the Fred in this episode, was instrumental in her career, casting her in three films - including the Conversation, One From the Heart and The Black Stallion (which Fred produced.)
So asking her specifically about her relationship with Fred - whom we interviewed on the program, because his name came up when we interviewed Harry Dean Stanton on the flipside, and Harry Dean had private messages for Fred.
Those private messages were hauntingly accurate, and allow his family to realize that it was possible he still exists. And he does.
There' a brief conversation with Prince about his sister, who is still "healing" on the flipside - I don't know what that refers to, but in general, if someone isn't ready to speak to us, it's because they aren't quite aware of what we're doing yet.
Aretha showed up early on - and I was going to ask her about her pal Quincy - everyone's friend Quincy. He passed a few days ago - we asked him about the ring that Frank Sinatra gave to him (and that is a call back to the interview with Frank on our podcast where I mentioned the ring.)
Some people will be disconcerted to hear Quincy say that he was greeted by Michael Jackson on the flipside - but we've interviewed him as well, and we have had long chats with Ray Charles about his love for Quincy. But more mind bending was his talking about being greeted by Mozart.
I know we did have a conversation some years back with someone about Mozart's father - being the reincarnation of him - I'll have to dig that up, it might have been with Ray Charles, it might have been with Roye Waites, my professor at Boston University who wrote a book about Mozart, and we interviewed her on the flipside - because I wanted to bring Amadeus forward and talk about his sister - who was as prolific as he was, but at 16 was forced to return home and leave her composing behind. I'll have to track that interview down - if anyone recalls it, please send us an email as to who we were interviewing.
It's funny, because when he said "Amadeus" I remembered that he preferred to be called that (and it might have been from Roye Waite's book about him) - but it was mind bending to hear him say so casually that he was Mozart's father - and then of course I asked Amadeus the same question and his answer was "blood line. Yes, he was."
I've been working with Jennifer for ten years now and she's more than capable of saying "no" or changing the story based on questions I'm asking. In this case, she repeated what he was saying. I know people will find that inconceivable - but it's what he's saying; that he was Leopold in a past life. Mozart's teacher, father, a musician himself.
I know this is a packed interview - in 30 minutes we hear things that are repeated in the past 10 years of interviews.
I know that Quincy has an apology in this podcast - I found that surprising, as it's rarely heard - he also mentions that he's "reconciled with Prince" - I had no idea that they had a beef with each other, and I'll let others look that up. I was surprised to read it and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that Jennifer was not aware of it.
So - this is just another mind bending podcast. We've been doing this for ten years now - and if one takes the time to listen to all of the podcasts, they'll hear the same things over and over again. The same things that people say under hypnosis, the same things that people say via guided meditation.
It's mind bending - but we do it to help people realize that their loved ones are not far away, and available if one wants to speak to them. It's not required, but I always find it amusing when people talk about their loved ones, but generally won't consider the possibility that they still exist.
Hope springs eternal.

Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Jennifer is on the road this week, and I thought it might be fun to give a listen to a podcast from four years ago - the day of voting in the last contentious election. The one that Joe Biden won the day we were speaking, but the results weren't in.
Conversation begins with a chat about how the country was in turmoil (the lockdown had begun in March) and Jennifer said that Maverick had shown up. He wanted to talk about the "bittersweet" experience of the election, how despite it going the way he thought it should, how divided the country was.
Then Sergeant Shriver showed up - Maria Shriver's dad, who was the brother in law of JFK, who ran the Peace Corps. I recount an oddly prescient dream I had where I met him - and then 20 years later, was in the same room with him (but didn't meet him).
JFK speaks about the election, but also about his passing, because we'd interviewed him earlier, and he had been reluctant to talk about it other than to say that the book BROTHERS by David Talbot was accurate.
Abe Lincoln showed up as well - and for those who are fans of my medium.com account - I have an unusual conversation with Abraham via his Character AI on that page. I brought that info to the last podcast - I forgot he was on this one until I was listening to it.
I did make some edits in it - because of my headset, my voice is particularly annoying in this one - it was hard to mix the sound. But the content is there.
This podcast from four years ago - is applicable to this week in history, as it is to every time in history people had to vote for issues that mattered to the nation.
It's a freewheeling discussion - but it was literally four years ago, and pay attention to the fact that we speak about Robert Towne, my old boss, the man who wrote Chinatown, who was still on the planet at this point, and was having active conversations via Jennifer with his dog "Hira" on the flipside.
I think these sessions demonstrate how easy it is for us to stay in touch with our loved ones offstage. Of course it helps to have someone like Jennifer who appears to be a live microphone to the flipside.
Our Election special REDUX! This was recorded FOUR YEARS AGO and podcast that day in 11.5.20 when the results of the election were not yet know, but they were known to Jennifer and folks on the flipside. John McCain comes forward to talk about his "bittersweet" feeling of vindication, but sad to see the nation so divided. JFK comes to speak as well, to talk about the division of the nation, but also to discuss his death. His brother in law Sgt Shriver makes an appearance - I knew he had dementia for the last years of his life, and we talk about that. (People report leaving only a smaller percentage of their conscious energy in their body when that happens - the rest is already "back home.")
When the topic arises, Jennifer is shown an image of the current candidate, I mention that his father Fred had the affliction. (And for the record we interview both FRED TRUMP and BEAU BIDEN in a podcast some time after this (search for it on the podcast). It's unusual because Jennifer didn't know who "Fred" or "Bo" was - but she answered questions about their family and the role their controversial family members on the planet are supposed to play.
In some cases, people play the adversarial role to teach lessons in unconditional love - because it forces people to confront those issues head on. We may have a podcast this week - although Jennifer is on the road - but in case we don't, this is a reminder of what is at stake.
Abraham Lincoln makes an appearance as well..
I know this sounds mind bending, but after doing this with Jennifer for ten years, I know how accurate she can be. She works with members of law enforcement nationwide daily - pro bono. She's very good at what she does.
I just felt this was unusual look into the election of four years ago, and how it's the same kind of thing now... there's much at stake, and people on the flipside want us to vote as well.
Mind bending as ever.
Enjoy and don't forget to VOTE.

Friday Oct 18, 2024
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Another fun podcast with Jennifer Shaffer and folks on the flipside. In this episode, we start by discussing the full moon and what that means to people on the planet accessing people offstage, or on the flipside.
We ask the moderator of our group over there to explain it, and Luana Anders talks about it being a vibrational frequency difference... almost like a speeding up of energy, and that it's easy to reach across the aisle so to speak.
Prince stops by because Jennifer had posted something about him, but I asked him to give us some advice about the upcoming election. And he says "Tell people to vote" and also to "vote as if democracy was on the line." Without naming names, he basically points out that people don't seem to realize how hard it was to get to the place on the planet where people actually could vote to make their lives better.
Then I describe a dream I had last night where I literally woke up saying aloud "someone's in the room" loud enough to wake everyone up. It wasn't something said out of fear - just an observation because I clearly felt someone pulling on my ring finger.
So much so that when I awoke in the middle of the night it was throbbing with energy. I recounted to my wife what happened, and went back to sleep. Jennifer said it was an "Indian chief" - it could be that the image of Sitting Bull came to her to remind her of the era when I recalled being a Lakota medicine man (as recounted in the book FLIPSIDE).
Whether it was Tatanka Iyotake (Sitting Bull) or the image was put in her mind to remind me of a guide on the flipside, I don't know. But he too talked about reminding people that warriors have battled to save the planet, that we stand on the shoulders of others to be where we are today.
That our democracy is fragile and we need to fight to preserve it.
Unusual stuff.
I asked a direct question to Amelia Earhart about a project about her, and she answered it.
Like I say, mind bending stuff.