Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.

Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
After this podcast, where we talk about the ways to communicate from the flipside to this side, I was in the car and put on a random 50's station, and lo and behold Elvis was singing "TREAT ME NICE."
That is something that he mentions in this podcast. That when we access people on the flipside, if we think of them in angry terms, the messages don't get through. However, if we "treat them nice" we can communicate with pretty much anyone.
Another unusual podcast in a sea of them. In this case, Luana Anders, my pal who passed in 1996 helps facilitate a "classroom" where people stop by and converse. In this instance, the late Charles Grodin, a good friend, pal stopped by to mention that he observed the interview I did on camera for a film about him last week.
He correctly recounted to Jennifer what I had said about him - even though there was no human way she could have known the content. She corrects me that she was aware I was doing an interview about Charles Grodin, but due to our schedules I wasn't able to tell her the content of the interview, how it went, etc.
This podcast is to demonstrate how simple it is to access loved ones no longer on the planet. Don't need a hypnotherapist (it can help) don't need a medium (it can obviously help) but one can meditate on their loved one and strike up a conversation.
Not everyone wants to or has to - but for those who do, it's demonstrating the possibility of doing so.
The conference mentioned in the podcast is this month, will be given online and sign up for it can be found at my web page RichMartini.com
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Hello! Jennifer and I have been trying to get together for weeks, were "thisclose" to podcasting last week, but a number of bugs in the ointment conspired to make it not happen.
In today's podcast we go over a bit of what we've been doing - Jennifer helping people around the planet, me meeting with someone who was able to access the flipside this afternoon.
This podcast, despite the number of people who have checked off the planet lately, was about how the "veil is thinning." It's that a number of clients of Jennifer's have expressed that to be the case, and how people seem to be doing more "communication" with folks no longer on the planet.
Another unusual chat with her father Jim who stops by to clarify some issues as well. More to come!

Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, George Harrison, Betty, Chuck and Jim
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Welcome to the New Year of 2022! Here Jennifer and I are picking up from where we left off last year - after both of us coming down with Covid, and me trying not to cough my way through the show. Apologies for the cough drop walla, just unavoidable.
In this podcast we asked who wanted to come forward, and I was surprised to see George Harrison step in - as in the past he was a reluctant speaker. Mostly opted for witty sarcasm - but as this podcast and our interviews have been going on weekly for seven years, people on the flipside have gotten used to the idea of "showing up" when they have something to say.
In this case, he wanted to talking about "creating a new algorithm" for a person's life. That is - to focus on the positive, to focus on intent and creating love within your work, your day, and that in turn will affect one on their journey. Sage advice.
Betty White showed up - not to be interviewed - we don't always get interviews with people who've just crossed over, as they're busy acclimating to the new environment. She opted to just "observe" and I slipped in one question about who greeted her on the flipside.
It was widely reported that her last word was "Allen" and before I could ask the question, Jennifer answered it on Betty's behalf. All I can say is that in 7 years of doing this with Jennifer, it's not that she's reading my mind, it's that folks on the flipside already know what we're going to ask.
That has been consistent.
Then I had a question for Charles Grodin about his work with prisons and helping get non violent prisoners out of prison - and ending the "felony murder rule" something he was passionate about in life. He confirmed that he had shown up while we were watching the latest Spiderman with the theme that "your work doesn't die with you." It continues on - not only in the lives of those you have influenced, but also from the flipside.
It's a profound message in a film - but it's in the movie, and as noted in the podcast I didn't experience feeling his presence, but three of my family members did simultaneously. It's not like there was some direct or obvious reference to him - but all three said after the film "The weirdest thing happened while watching the film, it's as if Chuck was there." Chuck was their godfather, so it's not beyond the ability of someone to argue he's always keeping an eye on them - but my wife and children all felt him in the room.
Finally, Jennifer's dad Jim stops by to chat about the process - he's always got some great insight into the flipside, and is fun to chat with. Luana also had a few things to say about process and keeping our loved ones alive in our hearts because they want to continue to help and assist us from the flipside.
Hope this helps someone. Happy New Year.

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Due to circumstances beyond our control, both Jennifer and I have come down with versions of the flu. Both of us are okay, but not up to doing our "year end" podcast that we so wanted to do. We may do that next week.
Meanwhile, for all of our fans, here's a previous unseen session filmed in Jennifer's office in Manhattan Beach. I started off by invited Cass Elliot (in the theme of "Tuning Into the Afterlife" now on sale at Amazon) we zipped around and got a number of Avatars to swing by - both mythological ones and ones who are firmly ensconced in the religious pantheons.
As always, we're doing the best we can - Jennifer has the gift of being a cellphone to the Flipside, and I have the gift of being able to ask any question to anyone - and not know if I can or should get an answer.
This is one of those sessions for our fans - it was made in August of 2019, the transcript is in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, an excerpt is in the book TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE, and as noted, more information can be found at RichMartini.com - including the upcoming "The Art of Dying to Live" conference I'm speaking at in late February with some of the luminaries of that world.
Hoping everyone that listens or watches our podcast has a safe and fun New Year's celebration, and looks forward to rewiring the planet as well as their brains by focusing on the heart.
All we have is love. Love love.

Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer Redux Xmas Episode
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've had to dig into the stocking by the fireplace for a podcast this week, the last one of 2021. Why not just rerun the one we did last year at this same time? Sounds like a great idea.
Wishing all our listeners and friends a happy holidaze, and here's the reaching out to our loved ones on the flipside. They say that they're with us during the holidays, because of course we think of them. They say that we should toast them in present tense because after all they can hear us when we cannot hear them.
The report that they are okay, are happy to see us happy, so the more the merrier, the more love that is spread, the more they can participate in that love. As Robin Williams said to Jennifer one afternoon, "Love love." It was an admonition and a way to navigate the planet.
Love what love is - those around you who represent love, love oneself selflessly, as well as others.
In that spirit, we wish you all happiest of holidays and we'll catch you on the flipside!

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Steve Jobs and George Harrison
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
This is a bit different, as Jennifer had spoken with someone who was close to Steve Jobs the day before, and alerted me that he might want to stop by the podcast for a chat.
I didn't know that to be the case, but we had spoken to him before, so I prepared some questions beforehand. As noted, some of the questions to him, Jennifer could not know the answers. His comment that his relationship with Kubun Otogawa "saved his life so he could have his life" - was spot on, as he was a Zen Master that had a profound influence on Steven's life.
The questions about his LSD trip, his last words, and his comments about Joe Ranft are on the money as well. Jennifer isn't familiar with the controversy around his first daughter, who wrote a book about his bad behavior. But he was aware of it, and comments on it.
The point of this podcast is not to prove to anyone that "life goes on." It's in the consistent and reproducible reports that people can seek the evidence that life goes on - because people can access anyone who has been on the planet, and ask the same questions and see if the answers differ in any fashion.
To date, they have not. As noted, we've been at this for seven years, I've been filming these interviews for longer, and the 9 books out there have transcripts. There are two documentaries on Amazon Prime via Gaia - "Flipside" and "Hacking the Afterlife" that give context to what you're about to see or hear.
I apologize in advance to all those that this information will offend because of their world view or belief system. Having been filming people under hypnosis or without hypnosis accessing the same information, Jennifer is one of many mediums I've asked to be a cell phone to the flipside.
The fact that we're still doing it after seven years attests to our friendship. The book she's talking about is "TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE: HOW TO STAY IN TOUCH WITH THE FLIPSIDE" is available on Amazon and Audible.
The book includes a number of interviews with different people on the flipside, including my mom, a concert pianist. The point of this podcast and these reports is to demonstrate to everyone how simple it is - but the key is to be open to the possibility, as noted by none other than Steve Jobs.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife Anniversary Special with Jennifer Shaffer and Billy Preston
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
It's our Anniversary Special!
Jennifer reached out to me 7 years ago, after listening to the audible for my second book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife." At the time I didn't know anything about mediums, other than I'd met a few who were spot on and amazingly accurate. I didn't realize that it was another methodology for accessing information on the flipside.
So we spent three hours together our first meeting - me filming her accessing people on the flipside. Me asking her questions about her path and journey - all on film. She knew more about a person on the flipside (Amelia Earhart) than anyone I'd ever met - and I'd worked on two feature films about her. Not because Jennifer knew about Amelia - but because it was like having Amelia in the room answering my pointed questions.
After that we began meeting weekly for seven years. Let me say that again - for some reason, for seven years, she and I have been conversing with the flipside for seven years. Excerpts of those conversations are in the film "HACKING THE AFTERLIFE" full transcripts are in the book "Hacking the Afterlife", "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2, 3" - as the latest book "Tuning Into the Afterlife."
That is all a prelude to what happens next.
A day before, a friend of mine posted a photograph of Billy Preston referring to the trauma he'd experienced as a child. I wrote under his post, "Not gone, just not here." It's hard to say to people that our loved ones are "not gone" - but to raise awareness that they are somewhere else.
Which made me think, "I would like to interview him on the flipside." Lo and behold, the next day, doing this podcast, Jennifer says "I'm seeing Nat King Cole." We had interviewed him before (I spent a semester at his high school when I was in high school in Chicago) so that wasn't odd to hear. However, she said "He's singing that song "You are so beautiful."
Most people don't know that Billy Preston wrote that song. (with Bruce Fisher, not Diane Warren as I say in the clip). But because she mentioned it - I realized that Luana had put an image of Nat in Jennifer's mind to get me into the ballpark, and by having her hear "You Are So Beautiful" was to allow me to connect those dots.
And it happens live on camera. But Jennifer doesn't know who "Billy" is and I don't say his last name until the end of the podcast. That allowed me to ask her specific questions about Billy and his journey. I knew that Eric Clapton was a close friend, so when I asked her to ask him about his friend Eric's visit to his deathbed, she said "I'm seeing Eric Clapton."
I didn't say his name. She did.
Because we've interviewed John and George before - as Jennifer notes in the podcast she did a session with one of George's friends who was able to access him - (Gary) - and we've chatted with John a few times (anyone can) - I asked for Billy's impression of John and George.
Again - she hasn't seen the film "Get Back" she isn't aware of the relationship between the three of them. So what we get to hear is unadulterated reactions to my questions from someone no longer on the planet.
Everything is interpretation - everything is frequency. So some of the answers may be skewed by interpretation, some may be skewed by my asking them inappropriately. For example, I didn't know that Billy had a sister - so when Jennifer says "the love of his life was the husband of his sister" - that may mean "a boyfriend his sister had at a young age" it could mean someone closely associated with his sister.
And his sister is alive - so if she's reading this, my apologies for asking a question that I didn't know what he would reply - and we tend to not edit or change what comes through. It's an impression that Jennifer got, that the "love of his life" was his first love, which was someone associated with his sister. Whether they were together or not isn't important.
The portion about the abuse - looking up the details after the sessions, I learn that it was by someone in a church band - not someone in the church per se, but someone who molested and abused him as a child. (When he was forced to move to a new city and be part of this band in Los Angeles.) Jennifer asks if he was an orphan - and the answer was that he "had the feeling of being an orphan" when he was moved abruptly to the new city.
Having been doing this for so long with Jennifer, when it seems as if I'm "leading her" it IS THAT I'M LEADING HER. I've been doing this for so long with her, I'm anticipating what she might say, and as you can hear, I interrupt her to focus on questions I can verify. (Like "did he play drums?" - he did play other instruments, the drums reference might have been about Ringo, but I focused on things I can verify about Billy's life.)
Needless to say - anyone who has seen Get Back will see what I'm talking about when his presence in the band is treated with reverence. I saw it, but Jennifer did not. And the answers are mind bending if not mind blowing in scope.
So this is an appropriate Anniversary Special. It shows what seven years of constant conversation with the flipside can do. Allow people to open themselves up to the possibility that people live on.
Again - because we live in a world of celebrity, I'm not posting this to connect myself or Jennifer with famous musicians or people. We are doing this specifically to show, demonstrate to everyone that it is possible to connect with loved ones, it is possible that they still exist, it is possible to converse. All of this work - the seven years of it - has been to open up that door for people.
Because it's time. It's time to realize that life goes on. That consciousness goes on. That are loved ones still care about us, still want to assist or help us, and we are the ones who either prevent them from doing so - or can open the door for them.
So open the door by opening one's heart. "That's the Way God Planned it" "Will It Go Round In Circles" "Nothing From Nothing" "A Change is Gonna Come" "Love the One You're With" (based on a comment Stephen Stills heard from Billy) "You Are So Beautiful" - all these titles are about the beautiful journey Billy took and that we all take.

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Stephen Hawking, Mino and Luana
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
This is something filmed in April of 2019. It was on the heels of a conversation with Hawking, Sagan, Tesla and Einstein. That interview is in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" - this one is reproduced in the new book "Tuning into the Afterlife."
There's a number of unusual concepts covered in this session, talking to Stephen Hawking about how to access a "slice of time." The story that I'm referring to was told by the actor Hank Azaria on the Stephen Colbert show - prefaced by the "funniest thing I ever heard."
He said it was during a table read, and Harry Shearer, the comedian and many voices on the show, was waiting for Hawking who was an hour late to the table read. Harry said "The man has no sense of time."
I asked how he was able to know what the punchline to Shearer's joke was, since he wasn't in the room when he said it. Hawking talks about the akashic records as "floppy disks" that retain all the events from a slice of time and refers to them as mathematical numbers (like sequences, like algorithms, like CGI on a computer screen is all 1s and 0s.)
At one point Jennifer mentions the physicist Michio Kaku and a violin - something she's not aware of but recently, years after this was filmed, Kaku came out with this latest book about string theory.
All I can do is ask questions and report as best I can. Certainly we're going to get some of these answers wrong - but it's worth noting that some of them we get right. I mean - that I ask the right question at the right time to get a mind bending response.
Enjoy. Tuning into the Afterlife is out on Audible, Kindle, Paperback and Hard Cover via Amazon.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer - Talking to Pets on the Flipside
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
This is one of those unusual podcasts where again, no plan, just chatting with Jennifer. And in this case, a dog came through that I knew 30 years ago - that I walked for three years for my then boss Robert Towne, Oscar winning screenwriter.
Hira was a unique pet - treated me like a vassal, had a persona that I can remember thinking "this isn't a dog. This is like a person who allows me to walk with him, rather than walk him." Robert and Hira had a terrific bond, even though Robert had other dogs before and since.
Some years ago, when I was talking to Robert about my research, he told me he was a skeptic, didn't believe in any version of there being an afterlife. And so, as a proof of concept, I scheduled a conversation with Jennifer and our mutual friend Ed Taylor, who passed away, but knew Robert from college.
He came through clear as a bell, and towards the end of the interview, I asked if I could "speak to Hira." Jennifer had no idea who that was - but realized it was a dog. We had a detailed conversation with him - and have since then numerous times. Hira recalls so many events with specificity that I could not know, it forced Robert to say to me "I was convinced my whole life that the afterlife didn't exist, and now I'm convinced it does. What happened?"
Experience happened. Hira is only known to Robert - and not to me, really. But Robert and him spent time together, he credits Hira with Robert writing "Chinatown" because of the way he used to smell the air on Catalina. He credits Hira with his writing "Greystoke: Tarzan" - because he realized how sentient of a being Hira was.
So the idea that Hira would "come through" because he wanted to speak to us about "how to communicate with animals" is mind bending. I didn't invite him, wasn't thinking about him - nor was Jennifer. Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside, the person with the clipboard, knew Hira. And here he is - giving us new information about "how to speak with your pet no longer on the planet."
It's mind bending, and I know it's accurate because I've been doing this work for ten years. It's fine for people to dismiss it, ignore it, even laugh about it - it doesn't change the fact that I've been getting new information from animals no longer on the planet during many of my filmed sessions.
There are a few examples in the documentary "Hacking the Afterlife" on Gaia, and in the book "Architecture of the Afterlife." Anyone can do the same - doesn't need a medium (it helps) doesn't need a hypnotherapist (it helps) or me giving them a guided meditation.
Our loved ones are not gone, and our pets are not gone either.

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
”Hacking the Afterlife” with Richard Martini ”Eleven Eleven”
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
This is a book talk that I gave in Laguna Woods about "Eleven eleven" in 2019.
The information still applies. Jennifer was busy today and could not participate in the podcast. This is a 90 minute book talk, so for those who can handle me speaking non stop for two hours, this is for you.
Talk was given for the "Life After Life" club in Laguna Woods that covers my journey into the flipside, as well as some of the latest reports.
Refers to books "Flipside" "It's a wonderful afterlife" "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer." Cites sessions from Scott De Tamble (lightbetweenlives.com) and Jennifer Shaffer (JenniferShaffer.com). 90 minutes of Flipside tales.
By the way, during the talk, I mention how Dr. Eben Alexander was guided around his near death experience by his sister who "died before he was born." I'm told that she died "a month before his birth family reached out to him."
So he did not know her, could not have known her, but when he met her during his near death event, felt "as if he had known her forever."