Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.

Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, James Caan and Luana Anders
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Another one of those mind bending sessions.
We open with a discussion about an unusual recent event, where my old friend Melinda Germann came through to give a climate warning to my friend Patrice. Patrice and Melinda were best pals and went to Santa Cruz together. I met Melinda at the Loyola Rome Center and she was the light of everyone's eye - funny, sweet and just a delight to be around.
However she died in a plane crash a few years later - and since then, has visited Patrice a number of times, and myself as well (in dreams.) A few days ago, Patrice texted me about some visuals that Melinda was sending her - that for some would be a "warning" of impending disaster. Like forest fires, tsunamis - etc.
Living on the West Coast one lives with those possibilities, so I wanted to know if this was an immediate threat or something in general. (As if that made a difference!) Yes, we are in an immediate threat of losing our beloved planet - due to human behavior. Yes, she wants people to pay attention to climate change and do everything one can to save the planet. But no, it's not happening next week.
I admit I forgot about James Caan passing only two weeks ago - so many beloved folks checking off the planet. And because Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside has a connection with James via the Godfather (Luana's pal directed it, and her voice appears in it), it was thrilling to see Jennifer say that he'd shown up to chat.
The "Jimi Hendrix talk show" reference is more fully explored with the podcast with Charles Grodin - a veteran of decades of talk shows, I was with him often backstage in the green room - and he went into an elaborate description of what it was like to cross over and find oneself doing a "life review" in front of an audience, and Jimi Hendrix being the talk show host! It's mind bending, but we've talked about this before.
We've asked Jimi about it - and he has repeated the concept that he likes to help participate, everyone recognizes him instantly, so he provides a "soft landing." All I can say is that everything James says here is repeated in the hypnotherapy or meditation research, in "Tuning into the Afterlife."
It was thrilling to hear him stop by.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Another example of how we don't plan our podcasts - we could, we can, but in this case, we just let Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside dictate who was going to chat with us.
First up was Jennifer's dad Jim, the Mormon bishop who passed five years ago, who had in the past showed us some amazing things on the flipside, including an Akashic library (I asked him to access a memory that Jennifer had no awareness of - and he showed her an event she had forgotten).
Jim has shown us the astrophysics class he attends on the flipside a few times, and I've had the opportunity to interview his teacher (who some folks on the planet refer to as Ma Durga.)
So when he shows up to chat, I do my best to ask questions that might have some resonance to what we discuss - the process of accessing information from the flipside. It's Jim's birthday during the podcast, and we take the time to say Happy Birthday Jennifer's dad Jim.
Towards the end, three people who I met in life showed up - one was and is a close friend, Charles Grodin, who brought along with him two of his close friends. Gene Wilder (who helped start Chuck's career) and his wife Gilda Radner. Now for those who are up on these kinds of things, yes Gene was remarried - and yes, he did have Alzheimers late in life - but that has zero to do with accessing the energy of who they are.
I'm sorry they showed up at the end of our podcast, as Jennifer did have to move on to helping her clients. Suffice to say, I know that Charles has shown up in the past, we've interviewed both Gene and Gilda in the past - and those interviews are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE as well as a "workbook" to help anyone do this same kind of "chatting with the flipside."
Jennifer's off to Montana this week, hopefully we'll be back next week, but either way - remember, your loved ones are not far away, and it doesn't require a medium, hypnotherapy or meditation to access them - but all can and do help.
I'll be on Coast to Coast with George Noory this Monday evening, July 18th, 2022, so if you want to hear more info, tune in!

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Elvis
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Another unusual podcast. For those viewing it on MartiniZone.com - there was a fly in the ointment - a glitch in the file that occurred every few minutes - so a number of things were dropped. However, when possible, I edited the piece together so it made sense.
For example, when Jennifer mentions Al Capone, she's trying to say "Marlon Brando in the Godfather." Later on in the conversation, I introduce the film that we went to see in Vegas, starring its most famous former resident.
We've spoken to Elvis before, a number of times - and listening to it back I realize that I interrupt Jennifer WAY TOO MUCH and not just let her speak on behalf of Elvis. However, there are extended interviews with him, a couple in the books "BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE" as well as TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
He also has shown up on the podcast, and as mentioned there's a 44 page document at RichMartini.com where I detail the amount of times we've spoken to him before.
All I can do is report. Apologies for the glitches in the podcast, as well as portions that are out of synch (which is for the viewers of MartiniZone.com instead).
Glad to hear that our pals in class had gathered to celebrate David Patlak's birthday. Truly one of a kind - a gem of a person. I'm not remembering that she said Charles Grodin was also in attendance - and was hanging out with us in Vegas. Chuck was particularly fond of David, as is everyone who meets him.
Happy Birthday Dave.

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Carl Sagan Redux
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
In honor of the 25th anniversary of the film CONTACT, I'm reposting our interview with Carl Sagan. FOR A FULL ARTICLE SEE RICHMARTINI.COM
We first interviewed him in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 3, along with other atheists, skeptical scientists. Thought it would be a fun exercise. I'm editing those interviews into a document which I will post on medium and richmartini.com - so people can see the full interviews with Carl.
The point of this post is that indeed - we demonstrate CONTACT with people no longer on the planet. Further, we've demonstrated that people who normally incarnate on other planets are just as likely to show up - and I've interviewed a number of those folks in the book ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE. So I'm just calling it what it is.
We CONTACT Carl Sagan - he and his wife wrote the original script, then it was a book - and of course everyone who knew Carl knew that he was adamant that there was no God nor an afterlife. We are not disagreeing with him. "God is beyond the capacity of the human brain to comprehend, it's not physically possible to do so" we heard from a guide on the flipside in the book IT'S A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE.
"God" in this research is not referred to as a religious figure, or a concept that requires "faith" or belief - as the guide put it "You can experience God if you open your heart to everyone and all things." That's not a religious concept - some will take it that way, but it's a formula to experience "God."
That is - consciousness. The kingdom of heaven is within because consciousness is within - and is in all things. So the three interviews with Carl will be posted at Medium or RichMartini.com as soon as I'm done editing them.
But in honor of the Carl Sagan, this is our third interview with him - caught live on our podcast. The producer of Contact mentioned that she found it surprised we'd claim to "speak to him" since he had not reached out to his family and friends in the past. The research is consistent in that regard - it's filters on the brain. Those who bypass the filters (people can use mediumship, hypnotherapy or meditation to bypass the filters) are able to access, learn new information from people no longer on the planet. But not just to prove they exist. But to get information from them - new information that may help save our planet. It's not opinion, theory or belief that these folks all say the same things about the journey - it's in the research, the data, the footage and this podcast. I'm sorry for those who adamant that he doesn't exist - he says the same thing in Chapter 20 of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" "I was convinced there was no afterlife, so I spent a lot of time wandering before I realized where I was."
It's a common refrain - if someone is convinced, believes a specific thing will happen (hell, heaven, nothing) that's what they experience at first. Takes awhile for them to realize where they are. (This isn't my opinion, we've heard it multiple times, I've filmed many saying the exact same things.) Take a look at HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com for an example of what it was like for atheist, skeptic Harry Dean Stanton to realize there actually was an afterlife after he argued about it.
"Believe in the possibility of an afterlife" he said to us prior to his memorial a week after his passing, "So then you won't waste another minute of your life arguing about it like I did." Carl repeats this admonition - for those convinced he doesn't exist they will not be able to connect with him.
For those who consider the possibility that he exists, are more likely to be able to communicate. As I'm fond of saying, "As your pal to sit across from you. Say their name. Ask them questions (you don't know the answers to).
When you get a response BEFORE you can ask the question you'll know you've made a connection." Happy birthday to Jennifer!!!!

Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Bob Saget
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
This is one of those podcasts where after it's done, I think "that's it. We've finally shown beyond a shadow of doubt that people can talk to the flipside." Then I format the show, listen to it - listen to myself make mistakes (often) and listen to Jennifer channel people no longer on the planet.
Let's start with the stuff that will stop people in their tracks. Bob was not 67 years old. I am 67 years old. Bill Paxton (who shows up later on, is 67 years old, and both he and Bob Saget share a birthday of May 17th. I asked Bob to tell her what age he passed and she said "67." She reported the number accurately that she heard - for those who don't want to believe that she can communicate with people off the planet, Bob is 66. (After this recent birthday.)
So if you want to jump off the flipside boat, reject the Hacking the Afterlife premise, now is your chance. Again - she reports "what she's getting." I don't know why he reported a year off - maybe like Luana he always "shaved a year off the bio."
I know that Luana did because I discovered it one day when she got a ticket and I had to hand the driver's license to the cop. There is was in print. A year shy of the actual date. Officially (but not officially.) Somehow she got them to accept the date she preferred.
But I digress.
The podcast started off with a general discussion of Pride month - this was filmed before the Supreme Court announced they were tossing out 50 years of women's rights - so the reference to "abortion" is not because of the decision. I filmed this on Thursday, and for the record, the decision came out on Friday.
But the folks on the flipside wanted to reference it. Human rights. Love your neighbor as yourself - it's really the most important thing said in the bible, or in any book of scripture. If you don't love your neighbor - UNCONDITIONALLY then you're missing the point of being on the planet.
There's an angry diatribe in her, coming from yours truly about the hypocrisy of a church I grew up in. But that aside - people are going to watch this for mainly one reason.
Bob Saget has messages for his friends and family.
Honestly, for whatever reason, I was aware of Bob through his pals - people who talked about him, his generosity. Jeff Ross talking about him, John Stamos and John Mayer telling stories about how generous he was with spirit and love - and that inspired me to watch the special on Netflix.
But I had no desire to interview him.
As stated in the podcast, he "showed up" as a voice in my head, saying his name, and I said to him what I've said to others before (in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside.") "I don't talk to people on the other side, but Luana Anders does. So find Luana and she can facilitate a conversation. I was going out of town the next day, so I promptly forgot about it - then Jennifer was unavailable last week, so I didn't bring it up. And then a few days ago - he showed up again. As you can see and hear in the podcast.
I won't belabor the point here. Your loved ones exist. You can communicate with them using hypnotherapy, mediumship or meditation. All three work. Clearly. Bob can testify to that. And Jennifer really does pro bono work with law enforcement agencies nationwide, and she really does help people.
To those who knew and loved him - I apologize in advance for something that may seem treading on toes. I don't know what else to say then, it's not they want to speak to Jennifer or me - they want to speak to YOU and they're showing you how simple it is.
Say their name. Ask them questions. When you get a response before you can ask the question you'll know you've made a connection. He has direct messages for his wife, for his children and for Jim Carrey, someone I met over drinks at the "Little Door" and we talked about Andy Kaufman, because his sister lived across from my parents in Northbrook.
Not hard. Simple. They are NOT GONE. They are just NOT HERE. Give them the opportunity to connect, to let you know life does go on, and they're happy to talk if it's something desired. Hope this helps.

Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Mick and the Psychic from Oz
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Did this fun podcast a few weeks ago with Mick and the Psychic. I'm rebroadcasting it with their permission on our podcast "Hacking the Afterlife." What makes it dovetail with the work Jennifer and I are doing is that at some point, two of the people that Jennifer and I interview showed up on this podcast.
One is Luana Anders, who fans of our podcast know to be my pal on the flipside who moderates our forum. Imagine my chagrin, when the host of their podcast said "Your friend Luana is here." She brought with her none other than Marlon Brando. What I didn't mention on the podcast, but am now, is that I have some of "Marlon Brando's ashes" - because close friends who went to the service were given packets of him, and one of his close friends gave me a packet. (How could I turn it down?)
Anyways, a packet of ashes is a packet of ashes - not claiming it's a cellphone or a calling card in any fashion, but I might have mentioned that on this podcast and did not. Plus because they gave me "all the time in the world" I decided to do an example of "guided meditation" with each of them.
With Mick, who is a licensed practicing hypnotherapist, I took him on a short visit with his guide to visit his council. It's the same method I employed in the podcast with Simon Bown (and others, like Heather Wade) where I demonstrate how simple it is to ask questions and get answers the person doesn't realize they have access to. In Xzavia's case, because she's a medium, I assumed she's had a few trips to visit her guide and council, but not so many trips to view her "life planning process." By doing so, we have a lively discussion about a topic she wasn't aware of before the podcast.
Her description of a 360 view of her life and the possibilities isn't something I've heard before - but the idea that we can access this kind of an event is something that appears in the film "Hacking the Afterlife" - hackingtheafterlifefilm.com - where a therapist from Ventura CA recounts the incredible memory of his own life planning session on camera.
This is about the continuing research. It's similar to what Jennifer and I do, and since she's going to be celebrating her daughter's graduation next week, I'll use this podcast to replace that one she'll miss. I'm posting it now so I don't forget, and on Thursday will switch it over to the main podcast. Enjoy!

Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
This session is more about process - communicating with loved ones on the flipside. We get some advice from Luana Anders about how to do it, as well as Jennifer's dad Jim about the general process.
A longer discussion about a dream that I had last night where I had the impression that I was having a conversation with someone in England - and he was just enjoying the conversation with me. As well as talking about Jennifer's journey and how she accesses people on the flipside.
Another unusual exploration into process.

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana, Chuck, George, Ludwig and Elvis
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Jennifer Shaffer is back from her two week trip. Today's podcast was unusual for a number of reasons - I mentioned that Luana and Marlon showed up during a podcast I did with "Mick and the Psychic" - which I will post next week, to give them time to post it on all their podcast outlets.
As always, Jennifer and I have not discussed the contents of the podcast, and clearly she was not aware of my conversation with Luana and Marlon - sometimes she is aware of conversations I've had with Luana and others, but in this instance, they were more interested in bringing up the topic of the recent catastrophe in Texas, where 19 children and two teachers were killed.
I had not planned to discuss it, nor had Jennifer, but my friend Charles Grodin brings it up in the podcast, and I did my best to ask him questions about the process - what happens in cases like that. How does it work?
Especially for the little ones who may be confused by the process. The portrait he painted for Jennifer was unusual - and at the same time in line with the research. Our loved ones on the flipside tailor the experience so that we can have a soft landing when returning home. George Michael and Beethoven stopped by for a chat - as noted, both were interviewed in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" but they wanted to speak about frequency, and how everything is attached to it - including memories.
The idea of creating adventures and memories is part of why we choose to be on the planet.
Elvis stopped by and gave a mini review of his film "Elvis" (In a previous week, he gave it a "leveled thumbs" neither up nor down - but he wanted to speak of how films are memories - and how they too have frequency attached to them, so we can remember different periods in our life.
It's a freewheeling investigation into tapping into the afterlife. Thanks for tuning in.

Sunday May 22, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer - ”The New Normal”
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
On the Day of the Dead a year or two ago, Jennifer gave this talk at the Laguna Woods institute for Afterlife Research.
While Jennifer is on vacation, I thought I'd let her talk about her research in her own words.
Someone mentioned it on Quora, and I figured it would make an appropriate talk, especially since I filmed it and didn't get a chance to speak!
So for all of those who are annoyed with me interrupting Jennifer, here she is, uninterrupted for an hour.

Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Happy Birthday Luana! Luana Anders is our pal on the flipside who moderates our conversations with folks on the Flipside. In this case, we began by chatting with her about what that's like to celebrate someone's birthday over there.
Some sad news, my dear brother Jeffry passed away last week, and his son Johnny and I had the task of handling those details. There were unknown elements to what happened, so as an example, I asked Jennifer to address those issues as she would with law enforcement when they call her to work on cases pro bono.
The point is - it gives us a place to examine and move from. The police at the scene couldn't have been more generous and compassionate - and walked us through the process. Since there was no signs of foul play or forced entry, etc, they determined that it was caused by a fall, or some other event.
He clearly had fallen - and that's where he was found a week later. He will be cremated and a celebration of his life will happen in Chicago, as well as burial at a National Cemetery as he was active duty in the Army (Lt. JG) during the Vietnam war. He led a interesting life - and on more than one occasion told me what he wanted me to do upon his demise. So now we're doing it.
However he didn't know that by this time, I'd be talking to people on the other side on a regular basis. I'm glad to hear from him, and hope this podcasts doesn't offend too many folks.
It is what it is.
And yes, the writer of "Under the Banner of Heaven" wrote for the show Big Love, for Bill to show up and talk about it wasn't unusual for us - check out the film TALKING TO BILL PAXTON on Gaia - Jennifer is in it as well, her many times chatting with Bill.
Thanks for tuning in.