Richard Martini is a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) about books about the flipside. Jennifer Shaffer is a medium-intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (JenniferShaffer.com). They’ve been meeting weekly for 8 years to record their interviews (Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3, Tuning into the Afterlife) and have been podcasting for two years about conversations with people no longer on the planet.

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, David Crosby and friends
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Another one for the ages.
I was a music critic at Variety during my film career, they had me go by the moniker Tini, and I got to meet or review many musicians... fun gig. At some point, Luana Anders and I were having lunch in Hugo's in West Hollywood when David Crosby came in, came over to the table to say hello to Luana. They were old pals from the 60's. He had just had his live transplant and had a new lease on life. He was friendly and kind.
When he passed last week, as noted in the podcast, I had the distinct impression that he was in our kitchen. It's often a place where someone "pops into my head" - not sure why, but I have a simple response when they do; "It's not me you want to talk to, but Jennifer."
I guessed he had stopped by so quickly because so many of his pals are in Luana's class on the flipside - that is, the class that has gathered since Jennifer and I began doing this kind of odd research eight years ago.
Jennifer and I get together for lunch, or a chat every week - and two years ago, I turned it into this podcast. I don't know if I'm going to see her for sure, and I don't know if she's available. She does a lot of work, so it's something we try to carve out each week.
In this case, just prior to the podcast, I took to David's Wikipedia page and jotted down some of the people in his life - I knew of the beefs between him and his band members, I'd seen the documentary about his life in Laurel Canyon - and I was aware of the "bad blood" over the years. But I was also aware of something important in his life - the relationship he had with Christine Hinton years ago - and how her sudden passing had affected him adversely.
I knew that she had been in a car accident, it is in the interview that we did with Mama Cass that is in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside." I can point out that having worked with Jennifer for 8 years she's not aware of the conversations we had last week, let alone years ago, so my mentioning Christine isn't something that would jog her memory - unless someone on the flipside jogged it for her. Which happens sometimes, but not in this case.
David spoke eloquently about their relationship in this interview - about their many lifetimes together, and how wonderful it was to be back with her. Also the powerful accounts of seeing his brother Ethan (whom I read about minutes prior to the session) or his son Beckett - and he poignantly talked about seeing them on the flipside.
The reason we do this work, the reason you're hearing this podcast, the reason I'm posting it - and we have 100's posted on MartiniZone - is to demonstrate how easy it is to converse with our loved ones. You don't need a medium - it helps - you don't need a hypnotherapist - it also helps - you don't need to do meditation, but that also helps.
In this case, a profound message from Luana Anders as well about gratitude, and how powerful a mindset that can be. And David suggests that one put music into one's life - to sing, dance, allow it to remind you of who you once were, or who you aspire to be. Music is the frequency of life, as well as carries the frequencies of love.
Tuning into the Afterlife is the book with the most musicians in it - culled from various interviews Jennifer and I have done with other musicians, including others who report that "Jimi Hendrix" was there to greet them.. Why? We asked Jimi that question before - and he says "It allows him to participate, to help with a "soft landing" because everyone recognizes him on the flipside.
Also a shout out to John Lennon for pointing out that the lyrics of "Yellow Submarine" are related to our experience of seeing these folks in a thought bubble, in the yellow submarine of a classroom on the flipside. Mind bending stuff to be sure.
Thanks for tuning in.

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Hacking The Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Lisa Marie, Elvis, Benjamin and Michael
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
So Jennifer let me know that she didn't think she was going to be able to make today's podcast, then texted me a few minutes later to say she'd try since someone was "bugging her" about doing so.
We started our podcast as we do all of them - no prep. Don't know what we're going to talk about. But clearly someone wanted to stop by and say hello. Lisa Marie Presley, who said that her father Elvis, her son Benjamin and her former husband Michael Jackson greeted her on the flipside.
As noted in the podcast we've often had people come by and "observe" or "see what it is we're doing" - because when one is on the flipside, it's not entirely clear how to communicate between themselves and loved ones back on the planet.
Jennifer and I have been doing this for eight years. Once a week, basically for the past eight years - she normally has pro bono cases that she works on with law enforcement agencies (about a third of her time) and the rest of the time booked with a variety of clients.
But she tries to make time for the podcast - which clearly is not selling our four books - "BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE" 1, 2 OR 3, or TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE. We do this podcast as a public service, to demonstrate that anyone can access their loved ones - that it's a matter of "bypassing the filters" to do so.
In my work, I've demonstrated that in DivineCouncils.com where people use a simple guided meditation to access guides and councils. In this case, I'm asking questions to Lisa Marie Presley that we've asked everyone - "who greeted you when you crossed over?" "What was that like?" "Do you have any messages for loved ones back on the planet?" "Who were you surprised to meet?"
Then there's a discussion of awareness, as in "what are you doing over there?" At some point, her father, who has stopped by our class before, said that he was "busy playing baseball" when we asked him to stop by. When asked to describe that, he gave relatively the same information that Junior Seau gave (it's in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" where we talk to Junior's widow without Jennifer knowing who Gina was - and she correctly identified (on camera) her husband on the flipside. It's in the film "Talking to Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson."
So when Elvis is talking about "Playing baseball with Babe Ruth" - he's literally talking about the mental construct of that, how one can created (like CGI) the memories of those events, mixed with the action of the game, that we create using math for telemetry, speed, power, etc.
I ask him questions related to the topic as we've discussed it before with Junior Seau and other athletes, just never with Lisa Marie's dad.
We do this podcast to help other heal, to help with grief, to demonstrate that anyone anywhere can access their loved ones - they don't need a medium, (it can help) don't need a hypnotherapist (it can help) don't need a meditation guide (it can help.) Take the time to learn to chat with them - they're standing by to say hello. Take the time to learn to chat with them - they're standing by to say hello. Examples of Jennifer in action are in the film HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com - and the simple meditation can be found in the book DivineCouncils.com
Hope this helps.

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
This is another mind bending session.
Someone on our MartiniZone.com page on YouTube posted this question:
'Richard...it would be great to interview Damar Hamlin when he is well enough. Everyone knows he died while on the football field. (His uncle told CNN he had to be revived again at the hospital, so it seems he died and was revived twice). See what he has to say. Did something happen? Nothing? A lot of people would be interested." (from Kristin)
Generally I like to point out we're not in charge of the guest list on our podcast. Luana Anders is our moderator on the flipside, and even though we didn't speak directly to her on the podcast, it's clear she made the connection.
About thirty minutes after I replied to Kristin's question on the YouTube page, we were doing the podcast, and suddenly two football players showed up who wanted to talk about it.
That would be Junior Seau of the Chargers fame (#55) and Dave Duerson (#22) of the Chicago Bears. They showed up with their friend Paul Allen, founder of Microsoft. The reason they showed up together, is because we interviewed the three of them in the film "TALKING TO PAUL ALLEN, JUNIOR SEAU AND DAVE DUERSON."
I turned our conversations into a film - and we put it up on YouTube because the message is important. They wanted to tell us that Joe Namath (still very much alive) had cured his CTE using oxygen therapy.
It's not a medical opinion, theory or belief - what made it so mind bending is that these fellows showed up three different times to make the same case. And as noted in this podcast, I arranged as an experiment a session between Gina Seau and her husband Junior - without Jennifer knowing who she was.
It's in the film - where live on camera Jennifer identifies Junior.
But more importantly, here we were talking about dementia, and suddenly these three show up to weigh in on the recent events with Damar, the player who had his heart stop on the football field.
Everything Jennifer says in this podcast about what they did when he got back there (spent time talking to him) and how his "memory of these events was wiped clean" is reflected in thousands of other interviews in different methodologies - whether it's without hypnosis - see the book DivineCouncils.com for examples) or via hypnotherapy. People report similar events during NDE's in the medical case histories (see Dr. Greyson's book AFTER for examples).
They're saying that Damar doesn't remember this - but I'm saying he can if he wants to use hypnotherapy, mediation or a trusted medium to access the event again. He was "literally pushed back" so that he could highlight the inherent dangers in pro football - and inspire, encourage, get people to start or continue looking into new methods to protect or change the game.
In the case of Paul Allen (who owned the Seahawks, who created a brain institute) and Junior Seau (who had CTE and did himself in) and Dave Duerson (who was the first case of CTE reported because he donated his brain to science) - these folks want people to PAY ATTENTION to how to help athletes with CTE (oxygen therapy like Joe Namath used) or to pay attention to how to design uniforms, pads, electronics in ways that promote safety.
It's an obvious conversation that no one is having.
But these guys are, they showed up on our podcast, like it, don't like it, but there it is. Wasn't planned - but everything they referred to has happened, and will continue to happen.
Welcome to our world.
Hope this helps someone.

Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
This is our year end podcast, and what a fun what it is. Jennifer and I got together for lunch so I swung by her office in Manhattan Beach to do our podcast from her office - where our journey began eight years ago!
It was in this very office where I first spoke to friends on the flipside, including Bill Paxton (who gave Jennifer a tour of the Titanic - it's in the film TALKING TO BILL PAXTON at Gaia.com) and Amelia Earhart.
It was in this very office where Amelia told us something I didn't know from three decades of research - that "when those two GI's dug me up, they only found my arm." It was a detail I didn't know after 30 years of research, and later found to be absolutely accurate. (In the Chicago Tribune 1977 they confirmed the story which I found six months after our interview.)
So it's poetic that Amelia showed up in our podcast today - at the end of our lunch together, Jennifer said "Amelia just popped in." So we picked up our conversation in her office.
The book HACKING THE AFTERLIFE has details of all the research I've done, what happened to her and why. So it's not unusual for us to continue this conversation.
Nor is it odd to pick up our conversation about Bill Paxton, someone I knew at the start of both of our careers and remained friends throughout - I've detailed those conversations in "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia. TALKING TO BILL PAXTON
What is unusual is the amount of folks who stopped by to say "Happy New Year." Billy Meyer, a friend from grade school/high school who thanked me for putting his messages out to his children, Regis Philbin whom I met through Charles Grodin. Charles stopped by to say hello, Elvis, Prince, Harry Dean Stanton - David Bowie showed Jennifer a set of drums - which she couldn't understand, because she didn't know we'd given our son a set of drums for Christmas.
Steve Jobs talked about how people blame him for creating phones that separate us - when he says they should be used to connect us. Luana Anders mentioned in the New Year we should "chant or pray for others" - Anthony Bourdain spoke about fresh water so everyone would be able to eat.
Elvis told us "Make music, make it loud!" Prince offered "Make love and make it loud!" The alpha and the omega said "Love louder!" while Robin Williams repeated his phrase to "love love."
What can I say? After filming Jennifer speaking to people on the flipside like being on a cellphone, I film what we say and present it to everyone to see how simple it easy to communicate with loved ones no longer on the planet. (Jennifer works with other mediums who work with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases, so I know how effective she can be.)
If someone wants to examine her work, ask former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton about a missing person case she helped with - friends of his in NY. He was so startled that she knew what happened to their boy that he flew her to NY to investigate whether she was involved in the case - she let him know when he was going to retire (and was accurate.)
I've had people watch our podcast and send dismissive, sometimes angry comments - which get blinked into the cornfield. Like the forum on Quora "Hacking the Afterlife" here we share EXPERIENCE with the flipside. It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people say the same things about the afterlife - I film them doing so.
Yes, I was playing "TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS" a few minutes before seeing Jennifer, remarked aloud that I never knew it was based on the "Tibetan Book of the Dead." Yes, I really did go to Saipan and film 15 new eyewitnesses who saw Amelia, saw her plane, a dozen US Marines who saw US forces destroy the plane.
It's not my opinion, theory or belief that Jennifer is accessing Luana Anders - she's come through so many times with independent information that no one else but her could know that it's besides the point to repeat them here.
The latest book DIVINECOUNCILS.COM has a simple demonstration of how anyone can use meditation to speak to their loved ones. For those upset that we're doing so, I suggest avoiding this page, find some other sandbox to throw toys in, or stop complaining about not speaking to relatives and so called loved ones who can't get through. Learn how. It's not hard.
And for all that, HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you on the flipside!

Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and Charles Dickens
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
It sounds bizarre, I know. We interviewed Charles briefly in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" so his presence didn't throw me for a loop.
I really did look at a note on my cellphone this morning about a story that he's in - and his pal Washington Irving. And for him to say "that's why I stopped by" is mind bending to say the least.
We start off the podcast with Jennifer revealing that her mom is in the hospital, and her emotions around the loss of her dad, five years ago. He's come by a number of times to chat with us, including taking us on a trip to an Akashic library, as well as going to visit the classroom on the flipside where he described his physics teacher in detail.
The woman has 8 arms, and is known as Ma Durga on the planet - no other way to put it, as we've spoken with her a number of times, and Jennifer has had long conversations with her. The point isn't that a "deity from earth" is hanging out in the flipside, but rather people on earth have identified a teacher on the flipside as a deity.
In this case, I knew that Dickens had visited Washington Irving, I know that he purchased some property in Cairo Illinois (a land scam that claimed it was going to be the next "city on the Nile")
I know that he visited a garment factory in Boston where he asked them to tell him some local ghost stories. I know that when he visited Irving, Irving's uncle had taken up resident at his home and his name was Ebeneezer.
As Jennifer pointed out, she never could have guessed that name - but Charles was specific about who greeted him when he crossed over (a deaf child, perhaps the model for Tiny Tim) and how his book was about the financial politics of the day, the Victorian era when the rich got richer and the poor died of starvation.
Jennifer mentioned the chapter in Architecture of the Afterlife where Tony Stockwell recalled a lifetime in Victorian London, where he and his brother both died of starvation in one of those "workhouses." Awful places for humans to be place - without any help from the government.
So A Christmas Carol was a tale about how to be kind to others and to give around the holiday time.
He also gives a review of the film "Splendid" which is both hilarious and mind bending. When asked about it, he said "I hate musicals." Hilarious reply - and then he said he was kidding, he loved the film and loved what Will Ferrell did with the part.
I mean - c'mon - Will's never going to believe that Charles Dickens showed up on our podcast tonight to compliment him on his performance in SPIRITED, but that is EXACTLY WHAT HE DID.
We've been doing this for 8 years. Jennifer works with law enforcement nationwide, and just last week was part of an operation that was able to track down and eliminate 450 pounds of fentanyl. She's the real deal.
Apologies for my cough - not much I can do, other than to say, I hope it clears up soon!
And happy holidays to you all. Enjoy our Christmas special with the one and only Charles Dickens!

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Welcome to another mind bending podcast.
In the past Jennifer and I have had discussions with John Lennon, Princess Diana, but never Queen Elizabeth. After a "dream" I had where I had the impression I was speaking with John about Elizabeth the other night, I decided to ask him to show up for a number of reasons.
For the most part we let Luana decide who our guest list is going to be, but when I have an experience of "chatting" with someone I see if that's something we should pursue.
The first time that he showed up was during a filmed session in Manhattan Beach. I had suggested we invite him to show up to help me access someone else (Paul Allen) because I knew that his son Julian was friends with Paul - I mention it because when I got to the restaurant, turned on the camera, she said "John Lennon is here."
Literally I'd said his name aloud a few minutes prior. But in this case, they showed Jennifer the process - first showing a musician, then a bunch of different musicians, then a guitar, and finally, the Beatles - which allowed her to narrow it down to John.
Interesting to note that Jennifer doesn't know about Julian's version of "Imagine" but John does. Interesting to note that she didn't know who Pete Townsend is, but the Queen does.
As noted, Carl Sagan mentioned her in our interview with him in BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, so I recounted what he told us, and asked her about that specifically. She expanded on the topic, letting us know that they had a correspondence between them (which is accurate, and something Jennifer could not know.)
Look I know how wild and crazy it is to claim that we can communicate with John on the 42nd anniversary of his passing. As I've noted in the past, I was out with Julian Lennon playing music one night in Monte Carlo back in 1997, he had me sleep on his couch because the trains back to Cannes had stopped running, and around 6 am, someone shouted at me on the couch - "WHO THE F#$K ARE YOU?"
I jumped up - wondering who that could be - but saw no one in the room. And then I recognized the voice. It was Julian's father's voice. I didn't tell Julian at the time, or anyone really - it was just too odd, and I had zero context for how that could be.
But I have context now, I know that people choose their lifetimes, that they bring a portion of their conscious energy to a lifetime, and that the home portion is always back home - and is accessible at any time.
All of our loved ones, even those who may have incarnated again, are available. Anyone can access them. And we all should - especially around the holidays.
So apologies to everyone who will be offended by this podcast, you probably haven't read this far anyway, but I just keep forging ahead. This is about the sixth time we've chatted with John, tenth time with Robin Williams, the second time with Princess Diana, the 100th time with Luana Anders... transcripts are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3 - and in TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
Happy holidays, Happy Christmas as they say across the pond, but invite loved ones to sit at the table once again over the holidays.

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
This is our 8th anniversary of doing our sessions together, and the second anniversary of our podcast. Jennifer and I met 8 years ago, and have been filming our conversations with the flipside weekly.
Portions of the film Hacking the Afterlife has some of our sessions, our books include BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3, and TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
The most recent book is demonstrating how meditation can allow access to the flipside; divinecouncils.com
In this podcast, we asked our moderator on the flipside Luana Anders who wanted to chat with us, and she introduced Christopher Plummer. An actor's actor, Christopher left the stage in 2021, his most recent turn was in Knives Out.
I didn't know much about him prior to the podcast, but used the internet in real time to see that he was survived by his daughter and wife of 50 years. In Christopher's words, he was "sucked in" to visit our class, where Luana Anders is the moderator. Luana worked in over 300 films and TV shows, and knows many actors the Christopher knows.
My own connection was through the film director Robert Wise. So I asked him some questions about Robert and was surprised to hear the answers. He said that primarily the reason he wanted to come forward today was to remind people that their loved ones are never far away, that it's always difficult during the holiday season, and he wanted to remind people that they are never far away.
Then Heath Ledger came forward, and we had a lively chat with him. I had not met him, but know people who knew him, and he's as charming and funny on the flipside as he was in life. He too wanted to mention how proud he is of his family, those loved ones who know that he still exists and converse with him.
He gave a shout out to my friend Phillip Noyce, as they had planned to make a film together "Dirt Music." I was aware that they had worked on a project together, apparently it was Heath's death that ended that possibility.
Our loved ones are not gone.
They're just not here.
Not far away - are available.
Take the time to learn how to chat with them.
Hypnotherapy, meditation or mediumship are three methods that I've been filming for over ten years. This is like having a cell phone to the flipside, and it's thrilling to see Jennifer doing the kind of work she can do.
Happy holidays.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Another one of those mind bending sessions. In this case, our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders - LuanaAnders.com showed up with her cat Mr. Bailey. I asked Mr. Bailey the same questions that I ask people that show up - who greeted him on the flipside, what his experience was or is.
We started off talking about process, how coincidence is made from those on the flipside, as Luana had shown up today in a article about Jack Nicholson and how he had dedicated his Oscar to her and other friends for "As Good As It Gets."
Mind you - that was in 1996. Charles Grodin showed up at first to remind Jennifer that he had helped her the night before with her "Wine and Spirits" event. He said hello and then Luana stepped forward holding her cat.
Everything reported in the session is accurate - wife Sherry finding the cat in a tree, and then returning the cat to Luana. We've had numerous conversations with animals on the flipside, and everything Mr. Bailey reported is in line with the other reports.
I guess it's important to hear - our pets are not gone either, they're just not here. Available just like everyone is on the flipside.

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Jennifer's back! Another mind bending podcast.
In this case last night I heard "the teacher" as I was waking up, as if someone was telling me, "remember the teacher" for today's podcast. So we invited "a teacher."
But a week ago, as I was nodding off, suddenly seeing and hearing Johnny Carson. As noted in the podcast, I didn't judge that - just asked him questions like I ask everyone. Who were you surprised to meet on the flipside? What are you doing?
So it's a free wheeling chat with two icons - Ma Durga is a famous Hindu deity - there are cults out there just for her. But she's showed up before in our chats - and I realized she must be "the teacher."
I met Johnny backstage when Charles Grodin did the show - it was an electrified atmosphere and he was fun to meet. But here, I got the sense he just stopped by to say he "liked our show."
In Ma Durga's case, her message is a little more about the process, and about the planet. But either way it's good to hear from either of them!
Just another day on our podcast!
Welcome home Jennifer!

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer and a Guardian Angel
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
This is one of the archives from the podcast - from 2020. In this session, we have a conversation with someone who self describes as a "Guardian of the Galaxy." Some might call that a guardian angel, but in this case, we let them describe who they are and why they showed up in our podcast.
As always, Luana Anders is our moderator on the flipside who is in charge of our guest list. In this case, I thought it might be of interest to revisit an unusual podcast.
We'll be back at it next week!